I swear I'm pissed off till kingdom come. On my Asus EEEPC 1000H, the balloon tips don't stay disabled. I'm sick of disabling the balloons from the registry editor. All it takes is a few new sessions and it gets enabled again.
No spyware/adware/virii. Anyone on a 1000H having the same probs as I think it's some app or the other which is re-enabling the tips? Haven't installed anything extra except FF, Photoshop CS, OO and winamp. Right now getting over it thru a vbscript which I keep on my desktop but it's driving me bonkers
No spyware/adware/virii. Anyone on a 1000H having the same probs as I think it's some app or the other which is re-enabling the tips? Haven't installed anything extra except FF, Photoshop CS, OO and winamp. Right now getting over it thru a vbscript which I keep on my desktop but it's driving me bonkers