Disable balloon tips on XP

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I swear I'm pissed off till kingdom come. On my Asus EEEPC 1000H, the balloon tips don't stay disabled. I'm sick of disabling the balloons from the registry editor. All it takes is a few new sessions and it gets enabled again.

No spyware/adware/virii. Anyone on a 1000H having the same probs as I think it's some app or the other which is re-enabling the tips? Haven't installed anything extra except FF, Photoshop CS, OO and winamp. Right now getting over it thru a vbscript which I keep on my desktop but it's driving me bonkers :@ !
Balloon Tips can be very useful if you know how to code them :).

I have coded some balloon tips for popping up some of my alerts

If you want to get rid of balloon tips, use the reg key

Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00



save as a .reg file and click it every time your balloon tip gets re-enabled or run it at startup using a batch file.
..:: Free Radical ::.. said:
click it every time your balloon tip gets re-enabled or run it at startup using a batch file.

That's what I'm doing with a vbscript right now. Startup is not going to be of much help as I hardly ever shut down (hibernate mostly). The darn thing gets reset even after coming out of hibernation :@ !

It's very, very aggravating :@ !
hmm..some app is re-enabling it in the registry.

Install comodo personal firewall and enable Defense+ to know what's the cause of this.

else try using some registry sniffer which monitors changes to the registry to ascertain the culprit.
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Now y didn't I think of that :@ ? Thanks :hap2:

Will try Process Monitor. Got a feeling Comodo ain't as good what with it becoming an AV suite. Thanks but no thanks, I'm happy with my own choice of an AV. Why do the good programs become bloatware :S ?
I am using the old version of Comodo without the antivirus. Its good enough. I hate bloat too :) and I never think the newest version is the best. (This applies to all apps)

btw, I also keep Defense+ disabled
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