Disconnected from the online world......

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Analog Vibes
hmm my final exams coming in another 2-3 weeks and my my parents have disconnected my net for atleast a month or so...:( so that i can study more ..

i may get a limited connection in another month or so..or maybe no net for another year till 12th is over if the marks are not up to the mark,

will visit TE once in a while...

misss u guys..

will miss TE a lot...

!!:'( :'( :'(
tell your parents no net will have a damaging effect on your mind and ull fail the exams without support of TE :P
Hey, its good man.

Parents know what is best for you after all.

Just study well and make them proud. Sure you can make us proud too.


good luck bro
all the best for your exams man... :hap2:

oh how it reminds me of the time when i was in college :(

No Net for a year?????

tats tooo much!!!!!!!!

Ask for limited connection like 10-12 PM at nite atleast!
thanx for u r replies guys.. !!!

yipppie !! i am so happy to log on to TE after so many days..my parents know that PC and net is something which i cant live without....so i ve got a limited 400 mb connection by which i can just surf...and only surf around 15-20 hrs in a month....so maybe 1hr every alternate days is what i ve planned..maybe i can just see some of the threads at TE..and not all as i did b4...

my studies are going on good..and yeah u do miss TE.

u guys keep rocking...i will be back soon..

love u all !!
Its just for a few weeks dude..and these few weeks are very important for your academic performance.

I f'ed up my FYJC cuz I was sitting on my PC too much..but hell atleast I passed but still :P.

Just keep your priorities straight, for these few weeks, the wait will pay of, trust me ;).
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