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For once I don't blame the police....There is nothing they could have done in the crowd.....

Anyways lemme tell u what is gonna happen next.....

Most of the oldies with one leg in the grave will blame the poor victim by saying that she wore revealing clothes which led to the indecent behaviour of those mofos......No matter what happens, the f***ing indian mentality will always blame the victim......Common thinking will be " Ladkiney ashleel kapdey pehney rahengey....."

The photographs are enough proof.....All those who were arrested shud be castrated.....The punishment shud be really severe...Only then will fear enter the minds of these horny losers......
This sucks man!! I've heard of cases where some 3-4 mofos have committed heinous crimes and if that was not appalling enough, a crowd of 50-60 doing this..What has the world come to??

My heart goes out not only to the victim but also to her friend there..Can one imagine what he must be feeling like?

All these bastards need to be severely punished. It MUST happen!!
My Gf, and her mom told me about this yesterday.

I was shocked.

We both felt lucky, coz we were along at 4am @ Bandstand as well.

Next time, We stay in the car!

I hope those 70? bas****s get hung....
:) This is very sick and also sad...I would like to put a portion of the blame on the boy too...It was idiotic of him to take a lady and go to such a crowded place that too on new year's....It is the same in MG bangalore...I can nevr imagine taking a lady there in new year eve's...
While i condemn such behavior unconditionally, i find it hard to believe that *all* the men there were trying to grope her. I think at least some of them might have been trying to help her. Maybe i have too much faith in us Indian men, but i think we should think twice( and for ourselves) before we condemn people outright.

the media isnt exactly known to be transparent either ;)
yes greenhorn...I cant imagine 60 people got this pervertness at once...hard to believe...

Anyways the lesson to be learnt here is not to get ourselves into such a situation... no use blaming anyone after smth like this happens...prevention better than cure...we shouldnt take women to such a crowded frenzied place late in the night...if we cant change the world we should change ourselves n be sensible...simple...
^^ We can change ourselves but to what extent ?

People behaving like animal to grope a women in Mumbai is a case of some mental/psyche issue. Its not only this case but some of my friends have faced the same issue in public buses also. Though not in such numbers but mostly a guy refusing to move aside when she wanted to alight so that she had to squeeze in that space.

But this incident sure shocked me to the core. I mean had i been in the guys place i would have felt the shame throughout my life, leave alone the girls feelings.

Greenhorn is so correct in saying that was there no one in the 60 people who had some other intensions ?
Eazy > EWWW they were molestating her in public and she didnt filed any complain WTF! is this incredible india which is being displayed on the monorail over sydney?

scarezebra > I agree, Now there will be talk shows blaming women dress!! but they dont do so when they r all open in kumbh mela!

People need to be taught what is decency, religious hypocricy need to be put out, porn shud be made legal and these MOFOS shud be beaten till they never touches a women.

Another news of a australian couple? getting molested was there too.
utterly disgusting!
then another british guy killed damn when will illiteracy in our country go....

we are blessed with illiteracy after the downfall of indus valley civilization........
vij said:
Anyways the lesson to be learnt here is not to get ourselves into such a situation.

yup, thats the sad lesson to be learnt from this ...that anyone who tried to help the girl from this mob is also being labeled as perverts along with those who were trying to grope her. Wouldn't this prevent someone from helping next time? I know for sure that I'd think twice before intervening in such a situation if i came across one.
mayb the guy/gal were dating without parents concern ..so they dun wanted to go public......now the teaser sayin they were tring to get her mobile......


i myself have seen during ganpati procession...2guys jus caught a dupat of a gal as they were being pushed...wheni saw behind only his frnd were pushing and they were like gettin a chance todo such cheap stuff
WTF.... this is really bad... feel like trapping all those mofos n poisoning them... goddamnit. this is really disgusting :@
yes greenhorn...I cant imagine 60 people got this pervertness at once...hard to believe...

It's not hard to believe hundreds of nutters in the city would turn out to be killers setting people on fire and whatnot during the riots.

Why should imagining this be any more different?
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