Dishonored - Discussion Thread


Jan 18, 2007
If you liked Viktor Antonov's art style in HL2, then this game just might pique your interest!

From Shack -

"Arkane Studios was working on a new game when it was acquired by Bethesda parent company ZeniMax last August, and now we finally know a little about it. The maker of Arx Fatalis and Dark Messiah of Might and Magic has been busy working on Dishonored.

Very few details are offered, with Bethesda simply describing it as "an all-new first-person action game." However, Game Informer magazine, which features Dishonored as its August cover game, elaborates a little, describing it more excitingly as a "first-person stealth/action adventure."

Deus Ex lead designer Harvey Smith is creative director on Dishonored with Arx Fatalis lead designer Raphael Colantonio. Arkane has also drafted the artistic eye behind Half-Life 2's stunning dystopian City 17, Viktor Antonov.

Here's how Game Informer describes Dishonored, which sounds a wee bit fantastic:

Dishonored is the antithesis of a edge-of-your-seat roller-coaster ride. It's a game about assassination where you don't have to kill anyone. It's a game about infiltration where you can set up traps and slaughter the entire garrison of an aristocrat's mansion rather than sneak in. It's a game about brutal violence where you can slip in and out of a fortified barracks with nobody ever knowing you were there. It's a game about morality and player choice where the world you create is based on your actions, not navigating conversation trees.

Dishonored is scheduled for release on PC, Xbox 360, and PlayStation 3 in 2012. The Game Informer issue hits the stands on Monday."

Looks very cool. Will be watching this very closely myself....



May 9, 2011
Rickyk said:
It's a game about assassination where you don't have to kill anyone. It's a game about infiltration where you can set up traps and slaughter the entire garrison of an aristocrat's mansion rather than sneak in. It's a game about brutal violence where you can slip in and out of a fortified barracks with nobody ever knowing you were there.

umm, i think those sentences are contradictory. how do you kill someone in a garrison without everyone knowing you were there?

also, anyone reminded of Boba Fett??


Jan 18, 2007
rabid.parrots said:
umm, i think those sentences are contradictory.

Just guessing here but I think perhaps the sentences refer to how varied the game play can be rather than a specific instance in the game itself.

Maybe kind of like the original Deus Ex where there were several different ways to achieve the same objective.


HEXUS.gaming - Feature :: Preview: Dishonoured - PC, Xbox 360, PS3 : Page - 1/2

You can, for example, play the game entirely without killing anyone for a slower-paced, strategic experience that requires use of the environment and shadows to sneak past people. Playing stealthily also involves executing enemies silently and then hiding their dead bodies out of the way so that other guards aren't alerted to your presence. Or you can, if you wish, use your array of sorcery powers and more traditional weapons to attack enemies head-on for a more aggressive play-style. Alternatively, you might opt for a combination of both – the choice is entirely yours.

Abilities, such as super jumps and increased agility, allow you to traverse the city with a free-flowing parkour style, while powers such as teleportation and a rat shape-shifting ability allows you to access areas otherwise impossible to reach. These supernatural powers sit alongside a range of other abilities such as bullet-time and more offense-based powers that allow you to use sorcery in a similar vein to Dark Messiah Might And Magic - another top tier title that Arkane Studios has previously worked on.


Aug 8, 2009
House Va'ruun
I totally love the ability in a game to choose a stealth/non-stealth guns blazing approach. Like it was in Deus Ex 3. Will definitely be watching this thread for more updates :)


Nov 16, 2010
Looks like a new innovation out of the blue, like Crysis and Crysis 2 were.

Looking at the above screenshot, it looks like you'll able to make lots of stylish and agile movements entirely in first person, maybe like in Mirror's Edge. A bit of a change it will be comparing to the tight and restricted movements in Deus Ex Human Revolution, Mass Effect, etc. Manually taking cover like in most FPSes will be awesome and much more flexible than putting in a cover system. :eek:hyeah:


Sep 5, 2009
What the flying fekk !! Bethesda Softworks ?? There has been zero marketing for this game, why??

From Reddit /r/gaming