Graphic Cards Do I Really Need A New GPU

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:SHey Guys I m at my wit's end...I m not really able to decide whether I really need a new GPU upgrade or not. To be honest with my current rig I can play perfectly at max settings typically with 8x AA @ 1920x1080.....but going thru the posts I came across a post from Udit----where he has put up for sale a GTX 480 AMP for 16.5k shipped.:P It has me tempted but still not sure whether it will be a worthwhile upgrade...down d line coz once i upgrade now i wont be able to upgrade for atleast a couple of years....:@
A GTX 260 can't play games at max settings even at 19x10 without AA. Many games that is. Many games it can play maxed out.

If you feel that you can play at the settings you are talking about, don't upgrade for the next 1-2 years at least.

However, I don't feel that is the way and I would anyway upgrade to a GTX 570/480/6970 or better class GPU.
Dude as long as ur card gives around 40fps for the games u play(at the settings u want or slightly less) then dont upgrade.. its a useless prospect...
Till the time your GFX card can give playable FPS (40+) in the games of your choosing it actually makes no sense. And this boils down to the kind of games that you play, most RPG are UT3 engine so those shouldn't be a problem for the next year at least. NFS again no problems. Games like Crysis/Metro 2033 likes are going to need a CPU upgrade as well.

My suggestion to you is if you decide to go for a GPU Upgrade I also suggest a CPU Upgrade to PII 1055T as well.
Guys I have a VIP 750 W Platinum PSU which I think is plenty for any single GPU card on the market....I would anyways upgrade my CPU+Mobo next year when the price of sandy-bridge/bulldozer systems comes down a bit :D. BTW except Crysis & Metro 2033, I can play every game at 1920x1080 with atleast 4x AA. For eg. in Crysis I get on an average with Very High Shaders and 2x AA ~ 35-38 FPS. On Metro 2033 with analytical AA and High Settings I get ~ 35 FPS. Rest like BC2, COD:BO etc I can play with 8xAA at Max settings with ~54 fps/ 87-90 fps :P. So what I basically wanted to know that if I upgrade to say GTX 480/ GTX 570/ xfire HD6950s, will I be covered for the next 2-3 years???
If your current GPU is fine beats me why you would want to upgrade now?
Maybe when you start to feel your GPU is getting left behind you could look for deals / latest GPU then, so you will have the latest at that time.
A 480/570 should cover you for 2 years yep @1920 1080 maybe there will be the odd game that will bring it to its knee's you can SLI/Xfire then to deal with extreme titles. On you VIP psu I would not reccomend running anything like a 480,570 etc maybe you can get away with a 6850 but if I were you I would consider spending on a solid big capacity PSU (750/850w corsair).
hmmm....i run my GTX 260 OCed comfortably on my PSU & that should make it capable enough for a gtx 480/570... I know its effieciency is not as high as high end corsair one's but with 52A on the 12v Rail I think its has plenty of juice. Moreover the HD6850 doesnt consume nearly as much power as my GTX 260 (HD 6850 has only a 6 pin connector)....the GTX 260 Oced (TDP of 225W) is a power guzzler and actually it consumes as much power as a GTX 570 (TDP of 215W). So I think on the PSU front I am covered for any single GPU card....the only question is whether a GTX 480 AMP @ 16.5k is worthwhile upgrade or not...
no the upgrade is not worth it at present. the same situation will present in one year again when even more graphic intensive games appear. just wait for the prices of the newer gpu's to settle down and get a 570.. no need to hurry when the card is playing fine
The prices of graphic cards no longer come down. The 570's price will come down by a substantial margin (if ever) only when Nvidia releases 6xx series. Even then it will probably just be replaced, its price may not come down much even then.
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