Do not hit me


im huffing and puffing and considering ur in Auckland it might be a while before u see or feel the wind blow and blow hard , but rest assured it will come soon :D

congrats on well "acquiring " the phone :)

cheers :)
So, u have decided not to tell us the secret, huh??

Now where did I keep my S & W 9mm...... Found it..... :gun2:

Lolzzz :D
Congrats dude ! :D

I was really surprised to know about how you got the Iphone. Seriously amazing story ! :)

And yes please take some better pics !! :p
Free ?!? :annoyed:

as if there wasn't enough going in my hear already?

congrats for the FREE iphone 4 BTW, for which people are gladly paying 40K.

congrats again for the FREE iphone 4 BTW, for which people are gladly paying 40K.

congra...... FREE.....40K.