Do u use firewall ????

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tracerbullet said:
I have no idea what that last option meant, but that's what I chose. Since I choose to use no Firewall.
It means that u r able to handle any threat tat would come against u
I am using Kaspersky Anti Hacker.Previously used to use ZAP.But ever since i started using dataone ZAP started creating wierd problems (and even on occasions the BOSD appeared)
Indyan said:
I am using Kaspersky Anti Hacker.Previously used to use ZAP.But ever since i started using dataone ZAP started creating wierd problems (and even on occasions the BOSD appeared)

same thing happens with me... ZAP gives a BSOD as soon as I try conecting to Data One .. It has some issue there and lots of people are reporting the same thing. Btw were you using ZAP + Kaspersky A/V at the same time when you got the BSOD ??
Using Sygate Personal Pro.

@Mohit: yes ZAP does have issues, especially with Torrent clients. Experienced this myself, and found quite a bit on it on the net.
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i m server i m using mcafee virusscan working fine till now.
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