Do you believe in Astrology?

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Systemic Anamoly said:
u say astrology = superstition, if we stick to tht then tht would mean Science = Superstition.. if u didnt know astrology is a part of science... i wont go in too much details but u mentioned

Well, the inclusion of Astrology as a field of science is always has been....some people say, tht all the thousand years or more of study in this field is a waste..more like much ado about nothing...afteall they cannot prove tht the position of planets has different effects on different individuals according to their birth..and all those peeps falling under different zodiac signs have differnt characteristics..we may believe in it but is there any proof or any scientific cause for the difference in zodiac characteristics?? First of all, even the concept of zodiac signs seems like a fallacy..just because some guy described a few stars appearing to be in groups(even when they are light years apart) and make up a shape which resembles a creature or an earthly shape and give them the name of zodiac signs, doesnt mean we need to belive in what the nuts can never be proved with any scientific explanation tht it has any effects on individuals...and what u cannot prove is not considered a science..its already a very heated debate in the astrology vs disbelievers world and i do not want to go into the thick of things as i consider myself to be a neutralist in this field..

but yeah, i think to a non believer, all this talk of stars n planets affecting individual humans with their positions is nothing more than superstition... even palmistry and numerology may seem like following a superstition...

n i, to a point, too believe in the seems like a fallacy... so i dont see why am i wronged when i call it a superstition...:no:

PS: now dont post here tht u believe u ll become a astronaut/watever cause thts not a belief thts a dream

Well, i didnt post the sailor story because i want to be one..its was what the guy who made my horoscope when i was a kid had said to my parents..i know how ridiculous it sounds for a guy to predict what i will be when i grow up and tht i do not have control over my choice of career...n i was just following up on skylark's statement as he was told something similar...;) :P
i ll sum it up every field has two types of people one who have strong knowledge abbout matters and the 2nd type of people have lil knowledge and brag bout it and get themselves noted, this is purely with reference to astrology and nothing else so dont take it personally ;)

u just have to come across people who have the exact amount of knowledge in the field, and u can never say tht the person who made ur horoscope knows everything no... thts false.... >.<
the astrology community is in millions.... so u can imagine the amount of knowledge each person can have ;)

and btw
afteall they cannot prove tht the position of planets has different effects on different individuals according to their birth.
its already proven :P dont expect tht u might bump on the info on some internet site lol cause these knowledge are well hidden many wont even tell u on the face even if they know it... The reason was told to me tht 98% people dont have the guts to face reality they are fearful of watever is in store for them in the future hence its best kept secret..... :)

ryan said:
tht i do not have control over my choice of career..
it will sound very weird but i wont tell it much in detail because it will go complete off track... the time when ur born till the time u die everything is decided prior not when ur living ur life.. now to analyse this information u seriously need to be self enlightened... and like i said before those people who are wont tell all the secrets ;)
^^What u are saying does makes sense and i know, the best anwser these ppl have for those who question them is, "its beyond explanation.."yeah rite..tht way u r left with nothing more to ask..:P

but as far as ur saying tht the effects of planets on individuals is proved..i tend to doesnt make any sense..if they say tht the planets and stars have cumulative effect on the whole of mankind and every other creature on earth..tht is understood...but saying it affects each individual differently is absurd...

and tht too apart from the gravitational effects of planets, what else is there to affect human beings?? i dont see how planets can steer somebody towards success or failure, towards fame or fortune or bad luck..thts insane thinking on part of these ppl...these so called gurus can never prove the different effect of planets on individuals..but yeah, u ask the scientific community,they can surely prove the effects of moon's gravitational pull on earth and the phenomenon of tides in the seas..tht way u gain believers..but just saying tht this works, but dont know how, isnt going to get many takers...

even if the planets exert their gravitational effects on earthlings, it has to be equally distributed on every single creature on earth..or atleast the entire area which is directly facing them...if it is bad for the health of living beings, its effect shud be seen in all individuals equally cos internally and biologically we are all the it affects individuals differently, beats me...:no:

recently when mars came in direct line with the saturn facing the earth, those astrologers said it'll be bad for humans on earth..they even said tht all the war in the world currently going on and the terrorist strikes are all because of mars coming in line with saturn,all calamities are because or mars and saturn...ohh cmon...just the planets coming in one line doesnt mean they have a bad effect or something on us earthlings..even the scientists rubbished all such statements by astrologers as mere superstitions..

One more example, the astrologers from india predicted tht saurav ganguly coming into the team wud lead india into the wc finals and some said, we may even win it...where are all those m*t**f**k*rs hiding now..?? look how we fared in the game...:P.........
My view is tht to prove the existence of a phenomenon, strong backup proof is very important..its just naive to believe in something just because we are told tht they they are...dont ask us why...

i hope i'm not pestering u..we are just discussing..:)
but as far as ur saying tht the effects of planets on individuals is proved..i tend to doesnt make any sense..if they say tht the planets and stars have cumulative effect on the whole of mankind and every other creature on earth..tht is understood...but saying it affects each individual differently is absurd...
well there are pieces of knowledge tht is very hard to digest the calculation is very complex...

the science wat u are referring to is kiddish science tht neone can digest. ever heard neone saying tht knowledge could kill u? well i have heard it and it doesnt mean someone else will kill u :P its a thing tht will scare the shit out of u once u get to know it.... it all depends on the capacity of a brain of wat knowledge it can partake and wat knowledge it cant partake... hence everyone isnt aware of everything :)
recently when mars came in direct line with the saturn facing the earth, those astrologers said it'll be bad for humans on earth..they even said tht all the war in the world currently going on and the terrorist strikes are all because of mars coming in line with saturn,all calamities are because or mars and saturn...ohh cmon...just the planets coming in one line doesnt mean they have a bad effect or something on us earthlings..even the scientists rubbished all such statements by astrologers as mere superstitions..

One more example, the astrologers from india predicted tht saurav ganguly coming into the team wud lead india into the wc finals and some said, we may even win it...where are all those m*t**f**k*rs hiding now..?? look how we fared in the game..

i think i answered this question before u asked it ;)
post #42 said:
i ll sum it up every field has two types of people one who have strong knowledge abbout matters and the 2nd type of people have lil knowledge and brag bout it and get themselves noted, this is purely with reference to astrology and nothing else so dont take it personally
Systemic Anomaly said:
ever heard neone saying tht knowledge could kill u?

Hehe...may be true, but i prefer it the other way around..."knowledge is power"..tht kinda makes more sense.....:ohyeah: :)

Actually, i am just as inquisitive as any one who though wants to believe in it,but is not sure if it makes any sense because there isnt much tht documents what these ppl preach... give me the proof any day and i am all ears..:D
Systemic Anamoly said:
well there are pieces of knowledge tht is very hard to digest the calculation is very complex...
In this day and age, i think there are lot of very complex things being discovered. So i find this reason a bit shortcoming.

Also the part about hidden stuff, does not really ring true to me either.

If you truly have something that is ground breaking, you publish.

Take credit for what you have discovered so that your fellow human may be better off.

A discipline that shares in the open, and invites anyone to test it, to me shows more honesty. After all if you can see with your own eyes, ie it is reproducible, then we have something to build upon. Afterall who says what is known is all to be known, there is surely more advances that can be made in this field. Why on earth would the academic & scientists out there not pounce on this if for anything to promote their careers.

Sorry, but to me astrology does not qualify in anyway as a science, but merely a pseudo science.

That does not in any way demean those that do believe in it and practice it. Newton was a known alchemist in his time, magic has very powerful effects on the human psyche. The pertinent question is whether humans need to have magic in their lives, (superstition, astrology, religon are all in this category). We would like to think we are 100% rational at all times but i feel the emotional side is equally very powerful and maybe the most powerful some times.

You cant argue rationally about emotional feelings.
u have to have first hand experience i.e meet those people

^^well like u said, there are many self proclaimed gurus of astrology who may not be knowing much and only a few who actually hold much knowledge..then what is the point of meeting these can we be sure if they are really knowledgeable of what they preach...? And neways, i wud prefer some practical proof to actually just believing in words...and unfortunately, astrology is only preached on as is basis...there isnt any practical proof to show tht the rising planets and constellation during my birth time are governing my life..or tht planets are causing violence and war on earth....can anyone give me any practical proof of this? ;)
Take credit for what you have discovered so that your fellow human may be better off.
hahahahaa when on a small thing like smoking people fail to look at others pov even though if its correct do u think tht ne other human being will believe in a big thing like astrology think again... i would say the 98% people who have problem in accepting facts as is it will never accept it so its pointless in publishing anything, simply cause it wont be accepted only argued bout....
You are not making sense, if *facts* are provided in a clear manner, are reproducible, properly tested and peer reviewed, then we can arrive at some conclusion. The smoking thread is not really relevant here, no one has disputed the basic fact that smoking is injurious to health. Been proved and there is ample evidence. What one chooses to do after this is left to the individual.

If statements are made that are not logically sensible, then of course the results are inconclusive which getting back on topic is the point.

We leave the realms of science and enter into faith. If you follow it along these lines, then fair enough, but you can't attach the label science to something that does not qualify.

firstly smoking thread is well related if a person fails to see others pov and improve his/her self of wrong habits tht will help no other than himself/herself then tht directly proves tht the person will never be able to follow stuffs which are beyond their imagination, when they cant follow stuffs which is well within their imagination.. note the words carefully :)

You are not making sense, if *facts* are provided in a clear manner, are reproducible, properly tested and peer reviewed, then we can arrive at some conclusion.

lolzzz there we go again ^_^
i have already said tht astrology community is in millions and ur so called "facts being provided, properly tested......" has already been reveiwed by the millions and hence been decided upon of wat to do with this information so wat u or i think hardly matters...
We leave the realms of science and enter into faith. If you follow it along these lines, then fair enough, but you can't attach the label science to something that does not qualify.
a very debatable topic.... i ll sum it if u dont have faith and patience u can never learn nething no matter wat it is... only the thing when ur learning something uber complex the level of faith and patience needs to be more strong.. and btw Shraddha and Saburi is not told be ne other astrologer its been told by sai baba himself :) now if u have lil intelligence think a little of wat it means exactly ;)... and i would request u not to go off track now :P

@Darth read post 42
Smoking thread...again isn't related..since its an *addictive* substance that is being discussed and the use of it thereof, not that is has been proved to be unharmful, just cos many ppl *still* smoke.

Astrology to me is nothing more than a belief system. So dont see the logical connection here.

What reputed institutions in the academic or scientifc community endorse the practice of astrology ?

None to my knowledge. I don't claim to know everything but thats my general feeling, that there a little bit of a credibilty problem here ? if we attach the word science, then hopefully we get more respect.

This is not to say that astrology hasn't contributed in some areas like astronomy, mostly in terms of observations, planetary behaviour etc.

But to extrapolate those events and interpret them in a cause-effect kind of way with bearing on another unconnected subject (our lives) seems to be taking it a bit far. <---this if im not mistaken is what astrology IS

My issue so far has been about the use of the term science, i have stated above that it does not fit that description.

You are welcome to call it anything else.

Astrology according to the wiki.

Does not say anything different. If you disagree, you are more than welcome to edit it.
As much as I believe in astrology, there is no way I would consider it a science. For all the reasons that people have already mentioned.
When I was born, my Uncle ask my Father to arrange/make kundali, Father note time and date and visit one Family Astrologer (he is no more).

Just from the above info he predict 3 page FUTURE (when I was just 1-2 day old - he even didn't seen me) and it comes 100% true till today and may be in future too.
On a side note, if we are talking about looking up at the heavens in amazement, on a dark night..certainly.

This is the kind of toy to have :hap2:
^_^ well i will only say this bit again its gonna be a repeat one cannot comment on a thing unless he/she is aware of the various aspects of it.... well can u come and tell wat exactly IS astrology, no u r only pointing at resources, and based on tht info ur concluding wat is astrology i m repeating my words u ll not/ never find the complete information on ne paid/non paid/free site/wiki site. u have to have first hand experience if u want to know somethings...

firstly smoking thread is well related if a person fails to see others pov and improve his/her self of wrong habits tht will help no other than himself/herself then tht directly proves tht the person will never be able to follow stuffs which are beyond their imagination, when they cant follow stuffs which is well within their imagination.. note the words carefully

since ur failing to see how its related i think i dont seem to be explaining it properly to u :(, but know tht i have not mentioned bout addictions i m trying to explain wat a person can do and wat a person wont do... these factors govern on how a person will be able to handle watever information he will learn....

bookish knowledge can be learned from newhere, but when a person is seeking something beyond a certain characteristics of tht person will be noticed first for instance his capacity... ;)

Astrology according to the wiki.
theres a difference between descriptions and knowing the effects of it ;)
and be true to yourself have u even read the half of it lol
Systemic Anamoly said:
^_^ well i will only say this bit again its gonna be a repeat one cannot comment on a thing unless he/she is aware of the various aspects of it.... well can u come and tell wat exactly IS astrology, no u r only pointing at resources, and based on tht info ur concluding wat is astrology i m repeating my words u ll not/ never find the complete information on ne paid/non paid/free site/wiki site. u have to have first hand experience if u want to know somethings...
Actually the summary summed it up pretty well, do you agree with its description or not. Is it factually correct ?

To make an analogy of what you said, i would have to put my hand in the fire to conclude definitively that it is hot.

Why ?

...ignore these resources if they are not incorrect.

...must we force ourselves to re-invent the wheel ?

Systemic Anamoly said:
i m trying to explain wat a person can do and wat a person wont do... these factors govern on how a person will be able to handle watever information he will learn....

bookish knowledge can be learned from newhere, but when a person is seeking something beyond a certain characteristics of tht person will be noticed first for instance his capacity... ;)
Hoo boy, deeper stuff now.

Understanding who we are, our place and what we can do to better ourselves. Are you happy ? would you like to be happier ?

There are as many answers to that as they are stars in the sky and our culture specialises in this field,

its not an accident that guru has become an english word (i think its used in many more languages as well).
Systemic Anamoly said:
theres a difference between descriptions and knowing the effects of it ;)
and be true to yourself have u even read the half of it lol
You describe the effects of what believers experience in any belief system based on faith. I'm not knocking this at all, in fact i agree with it.

I've read some of it, is it fascinating? Sure.

I've always been interested in the universe. It's incredibly humbling when you realise the sheer size and dimensions used to describe it.

But i guess to really "enjoy" it requires a total suspension of disbelief.

You do this each time you watch a movie, but thats just entertainment.

This is much more, it requires conviction & faith.
...ignore these resources if they are not incorrect.

...must we force ourselves to re-invent the wheel ?
isnt tht wat i said people dont seem to accept certain facts they only accept wat they want to accept >.< they have so much disbelief tht it becomes pointless to explain stuffs .... if all the knowledgable people waste their times in explaining to people facts (which is like water over ducks back) when will they get time to learn stuffs no human being on this planet has 100% information.. the world we r living in is like a place of learning where every moment u learn something or another no matter how small it is or watever it is... people roughly have 80 years of life and i guess the "knowledgables" surely know how to use it instead of wasting it ;) well saying tht i hope u see a point sometime in ur life :)

do you agree with its description or not.

know one thing u dont live life on the basis of descriptions, a human nature is so damn curious it wants to know how everything works but when the effects are explained it readily rejects :lol:
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