Do you believe in Astrology?

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well i do belive that their is something about astrology that I do not understand

i dont know at the moment, but im sure that deep down there is a way to understand such things, have you guys seen the mayan calendar?

astrology has been on for millions of generations getting answers with precsie calculation of the movement of objects in our universe.

i do not know much but i tather read and research before i ridicule it or praise it
well there are two sides of astrology, like friedclyde put it there is the astrology that has transcended through generations and then there is the bullshit we see on TV, and in newspapers magazines etc...

and i wouldn't put down the whole of astrology just because of the commercial version up for display nowadays.....

interesting topic

i cant say straight away that i strongly believe in astrology and i cant also say that i never believe in astrology.

like in switch`s case i have been to some astrologer to sick advise from myside or for other persons (these astrologers are non professionals, scholars in their field and with a deep interest in astrology studied as a side hobby and became experts)

eventhough my marriage was arranged marriage and when my in laws asked to match kundlis we straight away refused and we are happily married. I did not consult any astrologer while deciding on starting my hospital.

But still there is something in that field of science that needs to be probed.
Saiyan said:
but sadly my parents check these horoscope things:no:

Haha! Now itself for you??? hahaha :rofl:

BTW seems my horoscope says i should..oops.. WILL get married very soon.. :|

i'm like OMG! Cool! :rofl:
Well, I believe in astrology. The problem is, astrology is only as good as the person who wields it and finding a good one is tough as most astrologers are just con artists.

Also, free will is a myth.
There is also a belief that the negative consequences for a single-manglik marriage can be resolved if the manglik first performs a ceremony called a kumbh vivah, in which the manglik "marries" a banana tree
wonder why banana tree is chosen .. :lol: :rofl:
Nikhil said:
what is a Manglik ??

A colourful term to refer to some one that comes from the Mangalore region i suspect. The mangaloreans refer to her as coming from the Bunt community, which is also the same community where the Shetties comes from. If you live in mumbai, you prolly know too much bout them ..hehe...pretty sharp ppl.

Hmm, astrology, do not think much about it, especially if we are talking predicting the future. nah. But there's more..

There is one aspect of it that got me intrigued, in my travels i met a japanese woman, she was obsessed with horoscopes etc, She would ask ppl when their birthdays were, of course then she knew their star signs, she would then proceed to pretty accurately describe thier personalities. She did this with 10 diff friends (whom she had never met) and i was amazed. She was not some psychic or anything, just liked horoscopes.

So on the personality thing there seems to be some sort of correlation.

Certain signs attract, others repel, love is blind.

There appears to be some substance here when ppl try to pick compatible partners, Of course its just one part of the puzzle, but an interesting viewpoint nonetheless.
hmm, i guess my first topic diverted away from the main one.. i meant the vedic or the original astrology only. alas, that we don have much trust on the professionals in the country.

^Don't confuse Astrology with Astronomy.

Isnt astrology related to astronomy?? :-S
Sorry no.. I rather believe in the concept/illusion that I am in control of my life!

Sadly, on the practical side not everything turns out the way we want i suppose or calculate.. :(
Well, I don't believe much in Astrology but I am doing an astrology course from Future Point institute. I have attended a few classes already and now I a started believing a little more in it. The more I learn about it the more I get amazed to it.

It is actually a science not just a philosophy :)
We may not really believe in astrology or to put it crudely, superstitions..:P but there are a few things so ingrained in our psyche tht it doesnt matter if we believe in astrology or not..when it happens, we stand for a moment n notice it...the next moment we may just rubbish it but still tht slight moment makes us feel tht there is something we need to be careful a cat crosses the road, no one stops nowadays..but yeah, we unconsciously expect someone else to cross b4 us..wud we care if it were a dog crossing..??we may not even notice it.. :P

SAme goes with the dread of the no.13 (making a 4)...if it happens to be in anyway related to anything we do, we try to avoid it if possible.. tht slight hesitation is a sign tht we believe tht thr is some supernatural force tht maybe governing us..keeping a close eye on us..
Err..there is no connection between astrology and superstition. You might as well associate religion with superstition while you're at it.
Well, atleast u can relate it with numerology....:P The dread of 13 or better, 4 is well accounted in all numerology books...

And i think, to a non believer, astrology may seem to be superstition..afterall, reading tarot cards, crystal gazing are all there because of people who believe in them and their underlying superstitions..
Nope.. I don't believe in it either.. Though I do find it entertaining!! :D

Acc to my Janam Kundli.. I'm supposed to become a pilot! :rofl:

Other than getting a Virtual name of skylark.. I aint flying anywhere!! :no:
^^Lol...n i was supposed to do gr8 with the high horoscope says i'd be a sailor or a merchant dealing in anything related to the i wud have loved it..but here i am..pretty close to the sea..( but i aint sailing anywhere...:P
lol ur posts are amusing private ^_^
u say astrology = superstition, if we stick to tht then tht would mean Science = Superstition.. if u didnt know astrology is a part of science... i wont go in too much details but u mentioned
ryan said:
we need to be careful a cat crosses the road, no one stops nowadays..but yeah, we unconsciously expect someone else to cross b4 us.
whether u believe it or not the main thing is belief if u believe in something "blindly" it happens exactly the same way... for instance my mom used to tell me if the left eyes of guys flicker then something bad will come their way and if the right eye of girls flicker something bad will come their way... both my eyes have flickered n number of times nothing happened no good no bad it was like just another days.. but when i have noticed my mom right eyes flickering something bad has always happened... its all in belief

u can test it urself ;)

PS: now dont post here tht u believe u ll become a astronaut/watever cause thts not a belief thts a dream :P
Astrology is a science ?

lol...i think not.

Science according to Carl Popper is one that can be falsified. Any subject that allows you to make test criteria (falsifiable) is considered good science.

Can astrology be falsified ? Can you test it.

Or are its statements, considered truths that cannot be tested.
Is Astrology Scientific?

The simple answer is yes—and no. Astrology, like medicine, is an art based on a science.

The natural world is not as chaotic as it seems on the surface. Science has always sought to discover the underlying order that governs the appearance and behaviour of phenomena, from sub-atomic particles to the movement of galaxies. Science also seeks an understanding of human behaviour through biology, psychology and economics, for example. Scientists set out to find "natural laws" that govern phenomena, then look for ways that the knowledge of these interacting laws (repeatable patterns of phenomena) can be applied for our benefit.

Observations, Measurement, Calculations

Scientific observations, measurements and calculations are used in astrology to generate the framework for meaningful, symbolic patterns. These patterns, scientifically categorised, reveal much about the way our world is constructed; they enable us to analyse, explain and predict social, political, emotional and other important characteristics of life on earth.

A vast database of analytical techniques and interpretative commentary has been accumulated over the centuries, through the dedicated observations and practical applications of astrological practitioners. Modern astrologers have also made impressive contributions, researching and categorising the effects of the more recently discovered planets such as Uranus, Neptune and Pluto, the influence of mid-points, asteroids, galactic centre and so on. It's an ongoing process.

The Art of Astrology

The art of astrology lies at one level in the construction of accurate profiles of personality and relationship, through the skilled interpretation of symbolic patterns, and in mapping the general tendencies that present themselves over the course of our lives.

Astrologers use scientific facts in the mapping of human consciousness and as keys to the understanding of experience. This is an interpretative process, which does not depend on accepting particular theories about how planets can affect us, or on whether they are a sort of synchronous clock ticking along with psychological and social factors on earth, or on some other causal process. The strength of astrology comes from the accumulated knowledge of centuries of research and observation, developed within a deeply intuitive understanding of the essential nature of the world, consciousness and the environment. Combined with accurate mathematical and scientific data, today's astrologers can use this established knowledge in the generation of valuable psychological, economic, or predictive profiles.

All Things are Connected

Astrology, however, is grounded in a profoundly holistic view. Astrologers believe that all things in our universe are intimately and deeply connected. The world, as we see and experience it, is a great deal more like a being than a thing. The world and its inhabitants are linked, like a body and its cells: the wellbeing of the one depends equally and mutually upon the wellbeing of the other. The spiritual side of astrology connects us consciously to the intentions of this world-being and how they apply to our lives as we live them.

The art of astrology lies, at the most profound levels, in the meaningful interpretation of powerful symbols. Through making sense of a range of apparently chaotic and unrelated events, astrology in the right hands shows how these events relate directly to us and generate the daily experiences of our lives.
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