Do You Belive That????

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There is nothing that Politicians can't do and this being Election season, I'd be surprised for once if they didn't take the credit. Amidst all this negativity around, even they need something to hold on to..

Anyways, doesn't matter ;)
To take credit off of a movie showing the poverty(which I guess shows progress?), not made by an Indian and saying made by india for india blah blah, is just cheap. Really.
Wonder why they bother with Great Indian laughter challenge and other crap when we have such hilarious politicians with great sense of humor

Only if their sense of leadership would have been at par with their humor..
KingKrool said:
The politicians will claim credit for everything except Satyam, Bofors, Kandahar, 26/11, 1984 riots.....

Umm, Kaangress was not in charge when Kandahar happened :)

Would BJP have permitted a movie to be made about slums ? That affects IMAGE of the country ?

slams fist on table

i hate politics to the core of my heart :x:, much more worse things happen here then what was shown in slumdog.. if for some reason i get fadeup with my life and decide to sucide then before that i'll kill them as many as possible...
blr_p said:
Umm, Kaangress was not in charge when Kandahar happened :)

Would BJP have permitted a movie to be made about slums ? That affects IMAGE of the country ?

slams fist on table


That was a generic comment on ALL politicians, please dont make this into a this party Vs that party thread. You do realise that stopping it means something wrong with a certain concept called 'Freedom of Expression'.

By the way, I dont like the movie, and its portrayal of India either.

Or was that sarcasm?

We should be ashamed that it won the Oscars
stopped watching ten minutes into the movie. A studio full of Indians would NEVER laugh at a chaiwallah, and the Jamal's guy's expression when he said "I knew all the answers" was lame enough for me to stop watching then and there.
This has convinced me that the oscars are a hack.
Uriel said:
We should be ashamed that it won the Oscars
stopped watching ten minutes into the movie. A studio full of Indians would NEVER laugh at a chaiwallah, and the Jamal's guy's expression when he said "I knew all the answers" was lame enough for me to stop watching then and there.

I guess you never watch any hindi (bollywood) movies then.
Wonder why they bother with Great Indian laughter challenge and other crap when we have such hilarious politicians with great sense of humor

rotfl.....good one

kaangress.....kaant do better than this..wudnt b surprised if they alter the song to...."Soniaji jai ho"...and use it in their poll campaigns..
This is not a matter of Congress vs BJP. They are the opposite sides of same coin.some of them wants to give BHARATRATNA to GEORGE BUSH.:@ :@ others molest women name of Indian culture:-[
so who we can trust???:sos: :sos:
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