Do you deserve to go to Heaven ?

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This is a hypothetical situation that requires every user to judge himself.:D

I'm going to add this: What do you think it takes to get into Heaven ?
lol, seen plenty of funny threads here lately but this is funnier :P

I dont exactly believe in heaven. But what according to you is the criteria to go to heaven?

Every single person who will answer here would have done some good things and some bad things.

I know. i have. Done some very bad things, hurt couple of people really badly ( not physically :P ). Done some good things as well.

If being good is criteria to go to heaven i honestly believe most of the people are more good than bad. They make some stupid mistakes, intentionally or unintentionally. But that does not mean they are bad or deserve to go to hell for their sins. It just makes them human. And human race as whole bunch surely deserves to go to hell as we have done more bad things to this planet than good. Thats the biggest sin ;)
^ Thats one of the reasons i made this thread. I wanna know what people think , what according to them does it takes to get into Heaven ?

Although I have plenty of faults and have sinned many a time, I do believe I'm a good person. According to me it takes a soul and consiousness that is at peace with itself to enter Heaven.

Now according to the Christianity , it is not about your earthly actions that determine whether or not you'll stand by god as one of his angels, but whether or not you've found love and faith in him. Now if thats the case , i might never end up in Heaven. I do believe in God but i dont think i have earned his respect. Why is it that only in times of sorrow do we look upon him ? Why do we forget about God when everything in our life is going smoothly ? Sure many will say that they do remember him even in the times of happiness, but is that really true ? Just Judge yourself for a moment.

In Hinduism ...

Entry into heaven (swarga loka) or hell (Naraka) is decided by the Lord of death Yama and his karmic accountant, Chitragupta, who records the good and bad deeds of a person during his lifetime. It must be noted that Yama and Chitragupta are subordinate to the supreme Lord Ishwara (God) and work under his direction. Entry into heaven is only dependent on ones actions in the previous life and is not restricted by faith or religion.

Now i am a Hindu and if thats the case i have better chances of obtaining Moksha. So does this all end up with what religion one practices ? Does this mean there are different rules for everyone ?

How do we balance between Good and Evil ? A person might have done good deeds throughout his life but then ended up murdering an innocent , so does this mean he deserves Hell ? I have done some Good deeds and i have done some Bad deeds but if my sins are greater then my good does this mean i am going to hell ?

Something to think about...
If ppl would forget about the after life and just concentrate on making the current one worth living..

i cant add any more cos this thread assumes a belief in heaven.
If there is such a place as heaven...then hell no...i dont think, i deserve to go there..but then, i'm not tht bad to go to hell How about another stint on earth....?? ;) :ohyeah:

I think, to get a passport to heaven, u need to be good to those who are good to animals n your job responsibly..dont hurt anyone who cross your path..when u look at yourself in the mirror, you shud be able to look eye to eye with your reflection..there shud not be any feeling of guilt..and the feeling of guilt only comes when you have done something wrong... so yeah..i think these criteria's shud give u a residential visa to heaven...:P

As far as possible, i have been good to animals..i genuinely cannot hurt or see anyone hurt an animal..i am a vegi..i see to it tht i dont use any animal leather products either..but i cannot say, i have been good to all human beings..or i have helped others..i may have been helpful but only as far as my limits allow me..i have not gone out of my way to help others in dire need of help(like say, beggars)..tht much i confess..:P
wat base is this thread, if we cant define heaven hell sins etc... doing right or wrong etc is all relative... how are u going to define all these terms????
Well there could have been any third party place :rofl: :P so not making any decision. I did not believe in those.. Heaven and Hell no 1 knows what happens after death.. So how come we can commit that there is a place called Heaven or Hell. :no:
I'll go to the soul society and become a shinigami there:P.

P.S. I am sure except a handfull no one will understand what i typed above :P
Saiyan said:
I'll go to the soul society and become a shinigami there:P.

P.S. I am sure except a handfull no one will understand what i typed above :P

Why not? ;) You mean u wanna become the " Death God" :rofl: :bleh:
i will go to heaven :D...i dont think bad for anyone ..i live my own and do good to others ...thats about enuf to get me there or maybe this is heaven coz i have everything i want
If heaven has a list of what is required to get admission there, then i would like to know. But other than that there is nothing like right or wrong.... our thinking makes it so... :rofl:,, Sin or no sin depends on perception..

In short i dont believe in heaven, but i would definitely like to make it to the heaven on earth..... life..
I dont know.......but it would hav been so much better if i could have just lived on and on.....but since that is not going to happen and since i have done nothing/anything particularly good nor bad i dont think i am entitled to go to heaven(since someone once told me we should/must try to make this earth even a bit better than what we had found)...i dont think my name would even came up for discussion up there.....should be a straight drive to hell...... :)
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