Do you guyz have any suggestion for some quality cartoons?(English)

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Justice league, Justice league unlimited, Avatar the last Airbender
If you like some adult comedy, then first seven seasons of Archer are amazing.
I don't know if Invincible is considered cartoon or not, but it is animated and not anime (Japanese). And it's one of the best superhero thing I've seen in the last year. Arcane on Netflix is also pretty good.
Family Guy (very good), F is for Family, Trailer park boys (has show and animated version also), Inside Job, Rick and Morty and South Park.

All of these are good and have a comedy genre including adult jokes and some have dark humor as well (like Family Guy, South Park).
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Inside Job, Rick and Morty, Bojack Horseman are all amazing shows. Invincible is amazing too. Imagine The Boys but animated. More gore-y if that's your thing with an amazing comic book behind it.
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