Do you have a diary or journal?

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I have a very poor long-term memory and I cannot remember much of my childhood (I am 18). I am surprised at how much my friends can remember of their own childhood, while I can't remember much from more than three years back. One of my friends who studied with me in primary school can list many of the teachers that taught us every year, while I can only remember two or three.

Also, it would nice to do a brain dump daily of the everyday endless stream of thoughts.

For these reasons, I'm thinking of having a diary. Do any of you guys have a diary or journal of your own?
I used to have, wrote for around a year and a half, am too bored to write it now. Should probably just start jotting down again.

Another idea is to start a personal blog.
I am also in the same boat as you. One day, I realised I don't even remember where my brother went for his 12th. I had no recollection of that. When I asked mom, I found out we went to the same school. I don't remember much of childhood either.

Also, I read on the book "Mistakes Were Made, But Not By Me" that quite often our long term memories get distorted by what we see in movies, read in books, hear from friends. Ultimately, what you are 100% sure of as your own childhood memory could only be 5% yours. So, I have been maintaining a journal for the last 3 years. I think I wrote over 500 pages now (in MS Word). But I never read again once its written. May be when I am 50, I will read it...

I usually spent 1-2 hours on weekends instead of doing it daily.
I usually write things that i did over the entire week on Sunday.
I do it to see what things i have been inconsistent at or have been dping wrong.
Then at the end of the month i check what i wrote in the whole month.
If there is something wrong that i have been doing consistently, then i need to change it.
I have diaries in which I pen down my thoughts on everything that interests me, apart from the fact that most of my review also begin as drafts in them.
You should do what #Being.Smart does. Host it online at this URL.

Along with your avatar, this made me laugh way more than it should have.

On a serious note, I don't like writing down my thoughts somewhere because I'm quite private in that sense and a bit paranoid about losing them.
I have a very poor long-term memory and I cannot remember much of my childhood (I am 18). I am surprised at how much my friends can remember of their own childhood, while I can't remember much from more than three years back. One of my friends who studied with me in primary school can list many of the teachers that taught us every year, while I can only remember two or three.

You can only remember back till you were 15, nothing beyond that...? How is that possible. Or you mean some special type of memories. I can probably chant off names of all my class teachers (not subject) from 1-12th, off the bat. I am like almost double your age. In fact college is where it starts to get hazy (no I was not doing weed); and then the work days.
I read it somewhere, "We remember only what we want to remember". Quite true for me, can recollect almost everything back to my KG days. But always failed to remember chemistry formula/equation, life science stuffs as I never liked them :P
no use comparing yourself to others. some people have elephant's memory and can remember anything you said 10 years back in passing. others don't remember faces or names, or other things. does not mean your brain is defective. Its just that it might be using its available resources in some other area of more importance to it.
no use comparing yourself to others. some people have elephant's memory and can remember anything you said 10 years back in passing. others don't remember faces or names, or other things. does not mean your brain is defective. Its just that it might be using its available resources in some other area of more importance to it.
That's a relief to hear. :)

asingh Well that's quite amazing. I frankly don't remember much. I do have vague memories of significant moments, but no memory of factual information.

unni Nice to know someone is in the same boat and nothing's wrong with me!

It's kind of scary really of how little I remember. But I guess I shouldn't be worrying about it and focus on what's ahead!
I never felt like keeping a journal though but after started working I feel like I need something to track daily work activities. Similarly for personal stuff too
I did. When I was little. It was kinda full of complaints. How i can't express my feelings to the girl i used to like back then. How I need to study more. So forth, and so on.

Fast Forward 10 years, I'm still the same. So no point keeping a diary anymore.
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