Do you know Company has a One-Time Repair policy for out of warranty products?

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We might have purchased goods which costed lakhs and if its in warranty, No need to worry, What if the product is out of warranty and products and gone kaput without you doing anything (Excludes physical or liquid damage)

We all put in the Hard earned money in to purchasing electronics. We expect our product to last at least 5 years, Well some 10 years without issues.

Do you know Companies have this One time Repair policy(employee empowerment) wherein if the Customer says he will go to Court or complain on Social media or You are in talks with a Media, will be offered 1 time repair as a courtesy.

Only condition here is No Physical or Liquid damages.

It's nothing wrong in Claiming this, even if your product is 5 years old, You've put in your hard earned 1 lakh rupees on a iPhone and suddenly after 18 months and the service center demands 40 Odd thousands to repair.

Next-time when you are in the Same position make sure you take advantage of this. It's not just about a simple threat, make sure you let the company know the procedure you will take to go through the legal process,so that instead of damaging their reputation, they will offer a quick repair.
Do you think any company would talk about it openly.

I worked for 2 top brands and both do it. Undoubtedly others too have it.
Do you think any company would talk about it openly.

I worked for 2 top brands and both do it. Undoubtedly others too have it.
What is the magic word to open this policy though. Create enough of a stink ?

You know what happens then. They say ok. And you wait and wait and wait...until you give up.

This is the Indian way of telling you to get lost without expending any energy.

That is how it will go unless you are lucky.

You don't mind waiting fine, then you have an advantage. If you need something done soon then out of luck.

As i see it the question is always who pays for the repairs. You pay they will look after you

Companies outsource their service to 3rd parties. Those people are very careful about what they will do and have an active policy to refuse even when in warranty given the posts i've seen here over the years.

Shit that is IN warranty gets refused. THAT should not be happening...
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Even if this is true, more than this we need to talk about right to repair. Paying 1 lakh for a phone that comes with bare minimum warranty/zero repairability isn't ideal at all.

The USA/EU are atleast putting up a fight against corporations.

Defend Your Right to Repair!

There are some let-downs as well

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