Do you like mcdonald's?

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IDK, subway stuff tastes too good to be healthy/nutritious. I've grown up operating under the assumption that the idea of something like that is preposterous.
I dunno how people can like subway. Uncooked BS. The first time I went there, I was really hoping it to be good, turned out to be a total waste of money as I only ate 1-2 bites.

I like McD, KFC and CCD for different things in which they excel.
Mc Donald's food is real junk. Its never fresh. I ate at Mc Donald's on only two occasions. In the first one my stomach was upset for a day, on the second, it was more akin to food poisoning and I suffered for two weeks. KFC, I have never tried it myself, but my sister did once and I saw it. It was so greasy and just a look at it showed that it was unhealthy food even by the worst of standards. People would be better of eating a kilo of Tandoori chicken compared to that crap.

The only fast food that I have known to be made from relatively fresh ingredients is Subway's sandwiches. Even in that too the meat/veg patties are not fresh.
Joann Bruso said: 'Food is supposed to decompose, go bad and smell foul eventually. The fact that it has not decomposed shows you how unhealthy it is for children.'

'Food is broken down into its essential nutrients in our bodies and turned into fuel. Our children grow strong bodies when they eat real food.

'If flies ignore a Happy Meal and microbes don't decompose it, then your child's body can't properly metabolise it either.

If you cannot properly metabolise something does it make it unhealthy or just useless for the intended purpose ?

All this means is the food is not as nutritious which is not a surprise.

From her blog, she says...

I purchased a Happy Meal, not to eat, but to observe and blog about. Yes, I bought a Happy Meal and then placed it on my office shelf, right behind me and my computer. It sat on my shelf for a year as a silent witness to our fast food industry.
ie it was left indooors, but

When I was a kid, I remember our garbage pail for the left over food scraps was kept by our back door. After a couple of days, flies deposited their larvae (maggots) in the meat. When I would lift the lid, I would see the recently hatched maggots wiggling on the putrid mess. A fly never bothered to land on the tiny hamburger patty on my office shelf.
Lot more action outside I expect ;)
Course the reason these kids get given this 'food' is because they are difficult with other kinds of food. And fast food is HUGE with kids.

I always snigger when ppl here think going to such a joint is a treat, its not, go to a proper restaurant if you want a treat.

The only ppl that consider it a treat are little people or where harried parents take screaming brats to have a peaceful weekend.
blr_p said:
Course the reason these kids get given this 'food' is because they are difficult with other kinds of food. And fast food is HUGE with kids.

I always snigger when ppl here think going to such a joint is a treat, its not, go to a proper restaurant if you want a treat.

The only ppl that consider it a treat are little people or where harried parents take screaming brats to have a peaceful weekend.

When you are short on cash,hungry but not so much as to eat a full meal and want something fast, such things are a treat.
And Please, don't generalize things..or add AFAIK or IMO but that also doesn't help as much as totally avoiding generalized statements specially while seeming serious about it.
hehe... I think our stomach processes food a lot better than the garbage bin, so a bit of preservatives isn't going to hurt that much.

The only thing I have against them is the price. I mean when we can get idlis for Rs 1/- so how can you justify the price of pizzas and burgers.

If you think about the bogo offers, doesn't that mean that a Rs 300 pizza probably cost less than Rs 50 to make.
chiron said:
hehe... I think our stomach processes food a lot better than the garbage bin, so a bit of preservatives isn't going to hurt that much.
Won't hurt if done sparingly just wont get what you paid for.

Will hurt indirectly if its done on a regular basis.

chiron said:
The only thing I have against them is the price. I mean when we can get idlis for Rs 1/- so how can you justify the price of pizzas and burgers.
Sure, i think they are defnitely not cheap.
blr_p said:
If you cannot properly metabolise something does it make it unhealthy or just useless for the intended purpose ?

All this means is the food is not as nutritious which is not a surprise.

Well lets think about another thing that does not get metabolized, how about plastic? Add a layer of cheese and it would be just about as nutritious as a Mc Donalds burger. if the burger is not going to break down properly inside the stomach and stay there, then how is it different from something like plastic.

I have know people (including myself) who have gotten sick after consuming a Mc Dolands Burger, but I have never known anyone who got sick after consuming a bit of plastic accidently (not unless they choked on it). So between the two I would think its much safer to consume a bit of plastic with a layer of cheese and get the same same amount of nutrition. :bleh:

Mephistopheles said:
When you are short on cash,hungry but not so much as to eat a full meal and want something fast, such things are a treat.

Its not called a treat under the conditions you described. Its called a compromise.
Lord Nemesis said:
Well lets think about another thing that does not get metabolized, how about plastic? Add a layer of cheese and it would be just about as nutritious as a Mc Donalds burger. if the burger is not going to break down properly inside the stomach and stay there, then how is it different from something like plastic.

I have know people (including myself) who have gotten sick after consuming a Mc Dolands Burger, but I have never known anyone who got sick after consuming a bit of plastic accidently (not unless they choked on it). So between the two I would think its much safer to consume a bit of plastic with a layer of cheese and get the same same amount of nutrition. :bleh:

Its not called a treat under the conditions you described. Its called a compromise.
Junk food is all about taste at cheap rates, nothing else period.

And being able to satisfy your taste buds without having to burn a huge hole in your pocket is a treat to me. (Sorry, but I ain't rich :ashamed:)
Mephistopheles said:
Junk food is all about taste at cheap rates, nothing else period.

And being able to satisfy your taste buds without having to burn a huge hole in your pocket is a treat to me. (Sorry, but I ain't rich )

^^ LOL, if you think fast food prices are cheap, you must be spoilt rich.

Most people treat fast food as a compromise/convenience and anything but as cheap tasty food. It neither cheap nor tastier than conventional food. Fast food may be cheap in America where conventional food costs a lot more, but its definitely a lot costlier than regular food in India.
Lord Nemesis said:
^^ LOL, if you think fast food prices are cheap, you must be spoilt rich.

I'm not talking about fancy pizzas or burgers that you get from uber-fancy restaurants.

And 50 rupees a burger is ok to me, there is also McAloo tikki for 25 and there are cheaper fast-food options too. (Eg. street food)

Whereas A good meal at a decent restaurant with another person would cost you about 500-600.
i prefer McDs above KFC

KFC is just a scrambled FCK and waste of money for me.

i would rather choose Tandoor items at regular restaurants..

i also like non-veg subs
Mephistopheles said:
I'm not talking about fancy pizzas or burgers that you get from uber-fancy restaurants.

And 50 rupees a burger is ok to me, there is also McAloo tikki for 25 and there are cheaper fast-food options too. (Eg. street food)

Whereas A good meal at a decent restaurant with another person would cost you about 500-600.

You can always get healthier and tastier food than a lousy burger for 50/- at your local dabha/hotel. From personal experience, I have seen that Chandigarh does not have a lot of affordable places with healthy conventional food, but other cities like Hyd and Bangalore do have them. I have had a pretty satisfying and healthy quick meals comprising of rice at Bangalore for 20 bucks and also similarly in hyd as well.

Also I don't get how you are comparing a lousy 50 buck burger at a Mc Donalds self service joint to the food at a uber fancy and costly restaurant that charges more for service than for the food.
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