Do you like mcdonald's?

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Nikhil said:
My point is simple: You guys are cribbing about McDs burgers being overpriced compared to the Indian fast food. What about people who dont WANT the Indian fast food? Apart from McDs(and now Taco Bell) what other cheap option do they have if they dont want Indian?

There is a place called burger king in Pune ( not the international burger king) They make great chicken burgers for 35 bucks.

So if anyone from pune is reading this, go to burger king on East Street, you wont regret it.

Spacescreamer said:
Dunno abt the veracity of this as a fact.. but was scary enough
Was regarding tactics used by McDonald's And KFC:

Let us stop eating this. to Mcdonald & KFC Lovers <

What does Foie Gras have to do with mcd n kfc. I dont think they sell that and its banned in many countries.
Ps - Do we get foie gras in India. :)
mcdonald's? Who is that? :P Haven't entered one in years and years and years...
^Amen to that documentary! Must watch for every junk-food lover and hater equally! :lol:
Do you like McDonald's?

YES !!

Do I go there?

NO !!!
Just calories and calories . in various mouthwatering types of edible items.
No Nutrition.
Hacker said:
There is a place called burger king in Pune ( not the international burger king) They make great chicken burgers for 35 bucks.

So if anyone from pune is reading this, go to burger king on East Street, you wont regret it.

and u think those who live in pune don't know bout BK?? :P
the jumbo chicken burger is like awesomely delicious.. :ohyeah:
Params7 said:
Too bad Burger King isn't in India. Easily the best burger chain in the U.S.
That is until you experience the 'real' thing.

Would love to try the ideas out but MLA's in my state got BIG cholestrol problem so they are reducing the ingredients :(
Like it, but rarely go there, trying to stick only to home food. Prefer Taco bells although it's real pain to get to from where I live. Didn't find it as tasty as McD, although i do like the mexican style of wraps (am a veggie).
Lord Nemesis said:
You can always get healthier and tastier food than a lousy burger for 50/- at your local dabha/hotel. From personal experience, I have seen that Chandigarh does not have a lot of affordable places with healthy conventional food, but other cities like Hyd and Bangalore do have them. I have had a pretty satisfying and healthy quick meals comprising of rice at Bangalore for 20 bucks and also similarly in hyd as well.

Also I don't get how you are comparing a lousy 50 buck burger at a Mc Donalds self service joint to the food at a uber fancy and costly restaurant that charges more for service than for the food.

where where where in bangalore?? :S:P
daviescool said:
Like it, but rarely go there, trying to stick only to home food. Prefer Taco bells although it's real pain to get to from where I live. Didn't find it as tasty as McD, although i do like the mexican style of wraps (am a veggie).
Those wraps are known as fajitas, usually they are non-veg but but i guess here they had to do some improvising :)

I always wanted to go Taco Bell but some hispanic frineds absolutely warned me from that place and took to me a mexican restaurant instead. I suppose the quality might be better here in India.
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