Do You Like Xbox 360's New Advertisement ?

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Bluffmaster said:
Thats exacly Where it Fails ! Just Tell me if I was unable to Tell what the Guyz were actually endorsing till the end of the ad , How the Hell r average people who have absolutely no Knowledge of Gaming supposed to Know thats its actually a Gaming console ! The ad was Not even slightly related to Gaming ! They should Have Put some Trailers of the Game Instead and it would Have been much More Interesting ! People will only appreciate it when they actually see what a Next Gen console is capable of !

Your logic is flawed from the start. Allow me to explain myself.

First, you point out that the XBOX 360 is directed at those "average people who have absolutely no knowledge of gaming." Assuming that is the case, tell me this: How are these supposedly knowledge-less people going to know "what a next-gen console is capable of" when they don't know anything about gaming to begin with? Aren't you contradicting yourself?

Second, and as Czar pointed out, showing game trailers is not only tacky and unprofessional (anyone can put in a game trailer, where's the talent in that?), but also allows for undue publicity to the game publishers. Microsoft is advertising the XBOX 360, not a specific game. And when there're lakhs of big ones being spent on precious airtime to advertise the console, Microsoft would have to be a fool to advertise other games. Unless it's Halo of course, because that's a Microsoft game.

Third, the ad wasn't meant for an technologically educated audience like us. Being priced at 28,000 bucks, clearly all Microsoft is currently aiming for are the rich kids, films stars and page 3 people. People who have money to spend on frivolous things they haven't the faintest idea about. People like us don't need advertisements to buy things. We already know about them when sensationalist websites leak information many years before the product is actually released.

Rant /off. Goodnight.
tracerbullet said:
Being priced at 28,000 bucks, clearly all Microsoft is currently aiming for are the rich kids, films stars and page 3 people. People who have money to spend on frivolous things they haven't the faintest idea about.
:rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

Very well put !!! I love the way you posted !!
When the ad began i was wondering whats this all about.

At the end of the Ad i came to know its abt X360 ::rofl:

If they had not mentioned X360 at the end i wud have never understood that
as was for MS new gaming console. :ohyeah:
Your logic is flawed from the start. Allow me to explain myself.

First, you point out that the XBOX 360 is directed at those "average people who have absolutely no knowledge of gaming." Assuming that is the case, tell me this: How are these supposedly knowledge-less people going to know "what a next-gen console is capable of" when they don't know anything about gaming to begin with? Aren't you contradicting yourself?

Second, and as Czar pointed out, showing game trailers is not only tacky and unprofessional (anyone can put in a game trailer, where's the talent in that?), but also allows for undue publicity to the game publishers. Microsoft is advertising the XBOX 360, not a specific game. And when there're lakhs of big ones being spent on precious airtime to advertise the console, Microsoft would have to be a fool to advertise other games. Unless it's Halo of course, because that's a Microsoft game.

Third, the ad wasn't meant for an technologically educated audience like us. Being priced at 28,000 bucks, clearly all Microsoft is currently aiming for are the rich kids, films stars and page 3 people. People who have money to spend on frivolous things they haven't the faintest idea about. People like us don't need advertisements to buy things. We already know about them when sensationalist websites leak information many years before the product is actually released.

Rant /off. Goodnight.

Awesome post...Couldn't have put it any better ! :devil2:
Nobody's logic is flawed , Opinions r Like a$$Holes everybody Has one , its Just that ur's is Different then Mine ! And BTW the POLL seems to be Favouring My Logic ! :ohyeah:
Agreed, I know I expected a better ad from X Box, also one point of understanding it that if most kids ask their dads to buy the consoles just for the sake of gaming I am not many would have had double/tripple thoughts about putting it almost 30k just for gaming (atleast my dad would have never allowed me) but had they advertised it as a entertainment section from playing games to movies their would have been some sections how would have purchase even if it had to be middle class, also we buy many hi end gfx cards, I think its a better purchase to go along with a SINGLE CONSOLE ATLEAST YOU KNOW, THAT THERE WILL BE GAMES PLAYABLE ON IT EVEN FOR THE NEXT 4 YEARS...... WHILE the gfx card will surely crimp out on you
tracerbullet said:
Your logic is flawed from the start. Allow me to explain myself.

First, you point out that the XBOX 360 is directed at those "average people who have absolutely no knowledge of gaming." Assuming that is the case, tell me this: How are these supposedly knowledge-less people going to know "what a next-gen console is capable of" when they don't know anything about gaming to begin with? Aren't you contradicting yourself?

Second, and as Czar pointed out, showing game trailers is not only tacky and unprofessional (anyone can put in a game trailer, where's the talent in that?), but also allows for undue publicity to the game publishers. Microsoft is advertising the XBOX 360, not a specific game. And when there're lakhs of big ones being spent on precious airtime to advertise the console, Microsoft would have to be a fool to advertise other games. Unless it's Halo of course, because that's a Microsoft game.

Third, the ad wasn't meant for an technologically educated audience like us. Being priced at 28,000 bucks, clearly all Microsoft is currently aiming for are the rich kids, films stars and page 3 people. People who have money to spend on frivolous things they haven't the faintest idea about. People like us don't need advertisements to buy things. We already know about them when sensationalist websites leak information many years before the product is actually released.

Rant /off. Goodnight.

My thoughts exactly!! :hap2:

Just would like to make one lil' point..
Sure its really uncouth advertising to show game trailers as ur TVC's, and I completely agree to that line of thought, but just incase the MS honchos had planned on showing game trailers instead, I don't think that it'd have been a bad idea to show off ur best games on the 360, not withstanding whether they are from the MS-stable!!
I mean, for those "technologically challenged" but well-endowed individuals, they don't give a flying frog :bleh: to who the publisher is..If they go head-over-heels over any particular game title, rest assured they'll get their 360's..And with the console sales, who'll be pocketing the dough :tongue: !!

Frankly speaking, no! It was tasteless and lacked logic, Or maybe i am too dumb! but the ad shows Samsung LCD TV alongside the Premium 20GB Version of X360 on a house which was made of wood scraps and didn't even have a solid roof!, both of these when totalled would cost in excess of Rs.90,000, tell me how many villagers would be able to afford that? i know it's ad but isn't it insulting? I'd really reckon if those poor souls even watched the ad. Great Going Microsoft!
Realism isn't a factor which makes up ads, believe me you don't want to go around applying logic to every ad. Eye-catching was its purpose and it was. And people seem to like it here.
How much Does this cost in India. ??

Its for 22K at Ebay. Might be much lower than that in the Markets.
i didnt even get what they are saying in the background in that ad lol

one of the most stupid ads i have seen ... stupid ads do make products sell , so good job Microsoft :rofl:
I guess what you guys are looking for is an Ad like this YouTube - Xbox 360 Ad

but come to think of it India doesnt really have a very big gamer base so an ad like this will just educate people who are related to games... Pople who dont know about gaming will not get much out of it... Maybe later MS will come out with ads like those... As of now they are just trying to make people inquisitive about the whole XBOX thingy and making a hype out of it which in a way is good and it can only be done with ads like those...
well vh1 is going to have a show on gaming sponsored by MS ... i think it starts on saturday ... should help in the bigger picture demonstrating the 360 and the game titles
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