Do you re play games

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Hey folks,

I am just curious if you guys play same game again and again. e.g. I keep going back to mass effect series and play as different classes with different approaches (renegade vs. paragon) etc. Also, Skyrim, because it never ends. I have like 2 characters in Skyrim, one has seen it all (not quite) and the other is low level used sometimes. This game is so vast on a single character that I cant even begin to imagine what would happen once I start mixing classes. These are just 2 examples, I have played max payne 2 like 10 times and there are nothing different that I can do everytime. hehe

It would be fun to learn if you also have such games that you keep going back to and why.
I would love to unless for those difficult levels which were crossed by going through lots of frustrations and pain.
Hence i seldom replay fps games.
Mass effect itself is so lengthy that even thinking of replaying it sucks off all of my glucose/ saline and give me weakness.

For racing etc I so free roams to kick hot pursuit a$$€$ and its true fun!
Replayed some of the remastered games Last of Us , GOW3.
Played Age of Empires 3 for years I remember coming back again & again to it.
I had played few games multiple times. Ordering them from old to new; Contra (NES), Counter Strike CZ, Age of Empires 2, Rise of Nations, GTA VC, NFS Most Wanted (2005), Call of Duty 4 : MW (2007).
I must've complete GTA vice city 4 times and San andreas 3 times back in the days.
Now a days it's very difficult to find time for gaming (work and family) so I carefully pick a game which gives me best bang for buck without too much time investment.
I can't even think of replaying games now.
Borderlands 2 - for the massive variety of loot and great story (i love how the game devs make you hate handsome jack so much)
starcraft (1 & 2) - very memorable story and great gameplay. (i'll never forget when kerrigan kills praetor fenix. i saw it coming but still a very GoTs moment there)
unreal tournament 2k4 - fun guns, don't stay still, shoot anything that moves, get excited over your first multi-kill then die, respawn and repeat. (it's more fun than it sounds)
ALL the C&C games- red alert series, tiberian war series, generals and zh. the first two series were fun single player campaigns with a good story and well thought out characters like kane.
Generals i liked because it was really fun in multiplayer especially with all the mods.
half life (1 & 2) - no explanation needed for these two :D
rise of nations - no matter how old this game gets it will always be my go to rts. It overthrew aoe 2 and later on unseated frozen throne for the title :D
and finally darksiders. Most people prefer darksiders 2 but for me slicing through hordes of enemies with a ginormous sword never gets old.
There are some games that i've played multiple times but i wouldn't count them because i only did it to try out some new game mechanic like for e.g. a different character class in the mass effect series.
Borderlands 2 - .......

Wow, you have played a lot of games again and again. Nice. What about dark souls series... I have finished DS1 2 3 times.... And I have one character who I use to binge play. Meaning I keep going back to this character, play for a few hours, return after a few days or weeks, progress it some more, and so on
Used to replay games a lot back in the school days(NFS MW, Undercover, San Andreas, Vice City, CS:1.6 and CZ). Due to limited time for gaming these days replaying is not possible. However I still end up playing hours and hours of Fifa 16 even when I have new games to play.
Wow, you have played a lot of games again and again. Nice. What about dark souls series... I have finished DS1 2 3 times.... And I have one character who I use to binge play. Meaning I keep going back to this character, play for a few hours, return after a few days or weeks, progress it some more, and so on

I'm ashamed to say it but no i haven't played any of the dark souls games even though they're on my list. The reason i haven't is because i read that they're addictive-ly good and hence i'll end up spending too much time :D
M currently playing farcry4.
I would still love to play NFS2se 3dFX but you still need that specific Voodoo gfx card. The graphics are worth.
Awesome guys. Good to see that I am not alone who sometimes prefer playing Witcher 2 one more time even after buying a new PC and having a slew of new games... hehe
I replay older games a LOT. Not so much for newer games. Three reasons why I love replaying older games -

1) Nostalgia
2) They seem so much more interesting than most newer releases that get boring pretty quick.
3) Lastly, many older games allow you to "Mod" them and replay them in a way that was different from how the original game played out.

Some of the older games I have replayed (with my estimates of how many times), many of which I will definitely replay again at some point -

Quake 1 - 1-5 times
Quake 2 - at least 10 times
Star Wars Rebellion - 3-5 times
Jedi Knight + Expansion - at least 5 times
Jedi Outcast - at least 10 times (if not more) <-Fav FPS of all Time
Half Life 2 - somewhere between 5-10 times <-Joint Fav FPS of all Time
Half Life 2 EP 1 - thrice
Half Life 2 EP 2 - thrice
X-Wing - somewhere between 5-10 times
Tie Fighter - somewhere between 5-10 times
X-Wing Alliance - 3-5 times
X-2 The Threat - twice
The older Tom Clancy Rainbow 6 Series including expansions Eagle Watch, Raven Shield & Athenas Sword - several times each
Chris Sawyers Locomotion - at least 5 times
Many of the flight/space Sims in my collection - at least 2 times each if not more
C&C Series - many times
Total Annihilation and its expansion packs - 3-5 times
Clive Barkers Undying - 3-5 times
Freespace + Expansion - 3-5 times
Freespace 2- 3-5 times
Thief Gold - twice
Wing Commander & Privateer Series - too many times to remember
Dead Space & Dead Space 2 - twice each
COD4:MW - twice
MOH Series Original series - twice
Deus Ex - twice
Painkiller - twice
Stalker SOC - twice

Too many more to remember offhand... :p
^^ Good God man... Your post makes me want to play Thief gold again for the 10th time... I shouldn't have started this thread.... :p
Only Doom 1 and Doom 2 with Brutal Doom. And Doom 2016.
Basically only Doom :D.

Well Diablo games as well but they don't count, replaying and grinding is their entire purpose.

I would still love to play NFS2se 3dFX but you still need that specific Voodoo gfx card. The graphics are worth.
You can use a Glide Wrapper to play 3Dfx games on any GPU.

The real problem is getting those old games to run on modern OS's.
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Only Doom 1 and Doom 2 with Brutal Doom. And Doom 2016.
Basically only Doom :D.

Well Diablo games as well but they don't count, replaying and grinding is their entire purpose.

You can use a Glide Wrapper to play 3Dfx games on any GPU.

The real problem is getting those old games to run on modern OS's.

Now m playing NFS2SE on my win10 64-bit that too in 3dfx...voodoo:cool::p
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I've never replayed a game more than I have replayed San Andreas. GOAT for me! Another game I played the crap out of is Freelancer, with and without mods. It's actually the first game that got me into modding as it was really easy to introduce your own models and textures in.

Other than that, I'm a stickler for re-playing/watching games or movies that I really like. Coming to this thread was a bad idea, now that you folks have reminded me of these games I'm never gonna complete Shadow of War :O
Mostly RTS - Age of empires, Rise of nations and Age of Mythology.

Another RPG is fallout NV. I never seem to get tired of this game.
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