Documentary on Ayrton Senna: Senna (2010)

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Today I saw the documentary Senna (2010) directed by the Indian origin director Asif Kapadia & written by Manish Pandey about the legendary F1 racer & three times World Champion Ayrton Senna. I was looking forward to watching it ever since it was suggested on Top Gear. The HD was out last week. A very well written & well made documentary & it really impressed me a lot...

It was heart whelming & I recommend it to all enthusiast here. Lastly I must say it bought tears in my eyes watching the end.... :(
Ayrton Senna - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Senna (film) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Senna (2010) - IMDb
one of the greatest and fearless drivers to have scorched the earth ever

will definitely not miss this :thumbs_up:

thanks Hailstone
There was something in this guy that made him one with the machine...

Kudos to the great one... :clap:
fantastic documentary - a must watch for anyone who is remotely interested in motorsports or for that matter any sort of sport. the never ending hunger for victory, to push himself and to better himself every time he drove made senna a legend. i highly recommend this film to everyone - 10/10.
I read a biography on Schumi , titled Driven to extremes. Alot has been said about Senna therein. I need to watch this.
Thanks for the info, although I was on the lookout after watching it being talked about on Top gear.. :)

Greatest Racing driver !!
Watched this yesterday too, fantastic movie, more about Senna the person than Senna the driver and kinda got the impression that it was only the 3rd WDC that he really enjoyed since it was controversy free
This was the day when F1 was actually interesting to watch for driver skills, and not pit crew skills of these days racing. The pre-Schumi days were the best for F1 for me.
My knowledge about Senna was exactly what Top Gear had mentioned in their coverage. "The champion who died on track." That TG episode was fantastic and I have been waiting so long for this. Thanks for the update.
Aces170 said:
This was the day when F1 was actually interesting to watch for driver skills, and not pit crew skills of these days racing. The pre-Schumi days were the best for F1 for me.
I think its more due to improvements in technology. I guess cars are pretty much as good as they can get while staying within the rules. In the 80's for example brakes werent as good and so drivers could try late braking and trying to outbrake the car ahead. Thats impossible these days since cars can safely brake at the 50m mark and still make the corner with no fuss. These days I guess tech is at a level where the driver is no longer a major factor but the car is.

I feel there should be someway of trying to improve the cars grip and remove the dependency of the car having to be on the racing line or go skidding and lose speed.

Edit: It isnt so bad actually , last year there was that battle between Hammy and Button which was pretty fun to watch them do almost half a lap side by side
@OP - where/how did you see this?!?!

Is it available now on DVD/BlruRay or do we have to wait til June ? Love the old days of F1, way better than the sad state of affairs going on there today. :D
@vishalrao.... Got it off an HD tracker, but I guess it will be easily available on other places as well... Due to rules here I cannot divulge about it in detail.... ;)
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