PC Peripherals Does CM690 have a cabby speaker?

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apitroda said:
nope it does not have !
my friend has one

He means it does NOT have a speaker, and he has verified this on his freinds cabbie, as he doesnt own CM 690, but his freind does.
When I was at Prime ABGB a while back I saw this PC Speaker there and I took it away from them, they did not want to part with it but I took it any way, check with them if they have any more. I did not pay for it as I had at that time picked up some other hardware from them :)

Even my NZXT Zero case came without a Speaker :(

I have my old P1 cabinet which had a speaker. It was quite cute & small (Size of 50 paisa coin). I have connected it to my Abit IP35-E mobo inside my CM690 and it works great. Atleast I am able tohear all teh alarms which my mobo makes for Fan speed etc. :)
Eazy said:
When I was at Prime ABGB a while back I saw this PC Speaker there and I took it away from them, they did not want to part with it but I took it any way, check with them if they have any more. I did not pay for it as I had at that time picked up some other hardware from them :)

Even my NZXT Zero case came without a Speaker :(


Yes. I have the same speaker but a 5 years old :)
Speaker is important to diagnose error beeps in case your system does not boot. I fail to see how they will substitute this capability in the CM690 if at all, they don't provide a PC speaker.
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