Does not wearing Glasses make vision worse?

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Sometimes you end up squinting and in the long run you get crows feet around your eyes which make you look older
gamingstill said:
Actually its the opposite, your eyes get used to the new artificial environment created by the glasses and usually vision correction gets difficult with time.

To correct the vision one must do properly exercise the eyes.
lol these words took all my attention :P. Yeah if its with+/- 0.25 , its possible to correct the vision but it has nothing to do with spectacles IMO(spectacles helps in reducing the strain that's all).It heavily depends on age.

At a smaller age its comparatively easier to correct the vision.
Shripad said:
As far as pure science goes, there is no real direct relation between worsening vision and not wearing glasses.

People do say that if you dont wear glasses your vision will get worse, but there is no scientific proof for that. We had a nice debate regarding this with my dad's friends many of whom are ophthalmologist few years back.

The real reason why you should use them if you have vision problem that can be corrected with glasses is to relieve strain. A lot of irritation ( many of the times unnoticed by the patient himself ), lack of concentration, short temper, headaches / heavy heads, bad moods occur due to vision problems which are knowingly or unknowingly left untreated.

Try different frames. For some the good old style ceramic / plastic frames which have much larger contact area with nose are area around eye cause lot less irritation than the modern glasses which have contact area only on nose. They are also back in style :P
Thanks a lot Shripad. This is the answer I was looking for. So, I guess I was right. There is no scientific proof to say that wearing glasses will stop/slowdown worsening of the eyesight.

I do not have any of the problems associated with low eye sight. I do not get any headaches, I do not have to squint/strain my eyes to see and I am sure my short temper is not the result of a weak eyesight. :P I am myopic by the way and can clearly see within a room, hence it does not in any way affect the quality of my life. Also, I have noticed that I see better in natural light.

So, the conclusion to this is that its a matter of personal choice. If not wearing glasses is not effecting the quality of my life, I should not bother with them because the eyesight will anyways get weaker with age with or without them. And when the time comes when I feel that low eyesight has started effecting the quality of my life, it will be the time to get a pair of glasses or go for a surgery.

@Rite : Thanks for that, hopefully I won't be needing it anytime soon. :)

@Everyone : Thanks a lot for your input guys, really appreciate it. :)

P.S : I am taking Shripad's word on this over many of you because he is a doctor. :P
You are welcome. If anybody needs to know about excercises, he will need to call him as I don't know anything about these excercises, and he won't have the time to just write them down for me.
I am disappointed with repeated ranting about not wearing glasses and then go on boasting about phone / monitor / tv resolution, HD and what not.

This is tech forum and grow up, if you are gaming / viewing HD content / looking at a good photo and asking my correction is not proper and i am comfortable without glasses you are fooling yourselves.

Now about science and answer proper :
Your eye sight depends upon length of your eyeball, the lens within eye (residing behind the dead centre black area0 and focussing muscles.

If your eye is longer than focal length of your lens you end up myopic (seeing clearly near object but difficulty with distant objects)
If your eye is shorter than focal length of your lens you end up hypermetropic (seeing near objects with difficulty while distant vision is good)

In addition to this there is an entity called "Astigmatism" which happens due to uneven surface of Cornea (Aka like moon :P) in common terms its called cross numbers or cylindrical numbers. This is more difficult in a sense even though less in amount it may create more trouble for person.

There is no evidence like Shripad said, that not wearing glasses worsens you vision, but there is definite evidence that before you attain age of 7-8 years and have glasses and if you dont wear glasses you may loose your sharpness of vision drastically.

Wearing glasses regularly improves your sharpness, prevents fatigue, prevents dryness, improves or delayes age induced near vision glasses (You end up spending your focussing power on concentrating)

Now about social impact :
Imagine a scenario : a half sleepy young driver with defective vision hits your kin at dawn / dusk just because he received spark a micro seconds late and your kid ended up in hospital / crematorium. Whom will you curse, luck of your kin or arrogance of a blind youth. (I call blind because partial vision is blindness)

now a techie scenario : there are so many debates / showoffs about FPS, 1080P / Panels / GPUs here, if your vision is defective how can you judge the details in a picture / movie clearly even though you are sitting mere 1.5 feet away from monitor.

And the thats the reason armed forces / airlines dont recruit people with corrected vision.
Thanks for the detailed reply Doc. From what I gathered from your post, you are recommending the usage of glasses if necessary. But my question is, at what point does it become necessary? What you said may hold true for people who have extremely low eye sight and have trouble seeing without the use of glasses but for people like me, who only have slightly weak vision and can live perfectly without the use of glasses, would you still recommend getting a pair?

An important thing you have to understand is atleast in my case why I am against the use of glasses is not because I feel it may change my appearance or something but because I am genuinely uncomfortable wearing them. I have tried wearing the 0.25 power glasses I had and hated it everytime I wore them. Maybe its about making a habit of wearing them but what is wrong if I chose not to wear them? I am myopic, hence it does not effect my day to day business and I am sure I am not a risk to others while driving.
Bluffy : it depends upon quality of vision you desire, you can try the glasses for a day or two and repeat the action without glasses again next day, like watch a movie twice, drive to your destination around the same time of the day, a little bit of gaming and if you feel major difference then you definitely require the glasses.

at 0.25 the difference could not be much so you can live with it, but you need to get your vision checked once in a year atleast, so that you can use them as and when needed.
So the final answer is:

Not wearing glasses leads to progressive degeneration of eye power.

But is it entirely true? I mean can't it be that the eye is degenerating (in power points as you guys mentioned) naturally and it's not because of "not wearing the spectacles" ?
comp@ddict said:
So the final answer is:

Not wearing glasses leads to progressive degeneration of eye power.

What have you been reading? :P The final answer is that there is no scientific study to prove that not wearing glasses results in degradation of vision. Wearing glasses may reduce eye strain and improve clarity but thats about it. If your eyesight is supposed to get weak with time, it would do so anyways irrespective of whether you wear glasses or not.

@Doc : I will get my eye sight checked and see if wearing glasses improves things. :) Once again, thanks for your opinion. :)
asingh said:
Contact lenses have no problems. Just that you have to be careful when removing/placing them. Needs strict hygiene (easy to follow) --- since the eye is sensitive to irritants and infections. Try a pair of disposals before investing in a proper pair.

I use them occasionally and find them decent. Though if you stare a lot at the screen (work) your eyes can dry out and they feel slightly uncomfortable.
sukant said:
Nope contact lenses doesnt have any adverse affect on your vision , but not wearing spectacles does coz you are basically straining your eyes more to view the same thing then you are supposed to hence the power increases.
Thanks for reply. I'll get my eyesight check up soon, and will get contact lenses.
Bluffmaster said:
What have you been reading? :P The final answer is that there is no scientific study to prove that not wearing glasses results in degradation of vision. Wearing glasses may reduce eye strain and improve clarity but thats about it. If your eyesight is supposed to get weak with time, it would do so anyways irrespective of whether you wear glasses or not.

@Doc : I will get my eye sight checked and see if wearing glasses improves things. :) Once again, thanks for your opinion. :)

that is what I concluded in case you read my FULL POST.
XTechManiac said:
Thanks for reply. I'll get my eyesight check up soon, and will get contact lenses.
Make sure the practitioner trains you how to use the lenses. To make it easier -- if you are serious. Wash your hands with soap, dry them out, and practice touching your eye ball and curb the involuntary blink. If you can do that, placing the lens is easy. Cause it adheres to the eye shape as soon as contact is made.
A very very interesting post.

Am using computers from 1992, for long times, daily.

I used to have above average eye sight.

Just recently noted that vision blurs and eye strains if I read extremely small letters like instructions on mobile refill cards, etc.

Considered visiting Ophthalmologist for first time in life, then waited for some inputs. So, this forum post was an eye opener :)

Anyway, I am considering eye glasses at least from now, as am in front of PCs for long time...
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