Does Vista Readyboost make a difference

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with 4GB RAM installed

I got a Sandisk Cruzer 2GB - says 'Enhanced for Ready Boost' on it

Does it make any impact while if I use it for Ready boost

On SP1
From personal experience and most reviews I've read, there's no visble difference really. MS claims a difference when you use "Readyboost Certified" drives which are basically ridiculously expensive and its a lot cheaper to buy some more RAM lol.
None in ur case. :no:
Readyboost is most effective if u use it basically on a low end machine.

Since u have 4GB RAM, u don't need readyboost. However, if u want to see some marginal benefits, u can use a 8GB stick for readyboost.
The USB stick should be twice the total RAM for optimum performance. :)
It'll make a difference if you run Vista with only 512MB of RAM :). 2GB+ RAM users need not worry about Readyboost.
u can use a 8GB stick for readyboost.

Max limit for ready Boost is 4Gb so this wont help.

In my machine I noticed it made my computer SLOWER to say the least, maybe cause I was using a non ReadyBoost Certified Drive, but it still enabled ReadyBoost.

There is no point in it if you ahve the stated 4GB Ram.
getting even the cheapest ram would be much better than readyboost :P .. even current gen hdd's are faster than readyboost drives :P ..
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