Domino's Pizza - Coupons

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By few of my internal contacts in Dominos I can arrange Buy 1 get 1 free pizza of same or lesser value whos coupon code is LSM04 and validity is till 30th December, 2011. It'll cost me 100rs for each. So let me know if anyone of you interested in it? Can post one coupon pic here too if any one want.
i have a couple of coupons BOGO ones and 101 rs off also[original ones], last date 31st aug

if anyone needs it contact me

i am from mumbai

--- Updated Post - Automerged ---

btw its free :)
SoulFire said:
for 1000 ? or 100 for all 10 :P

Obviously 1000rs bro. Actually Pizza consuming is too much at my office premises, atleast twice a week and normally thrice a week. So all these coupons will be finished soon. :(
^ Wondering the same .Ordered 1+1 free yesterday only on the phone using LSM 04 valid till 31st Oct. Let the delivery boy keep the change , he didn't even ask for the coupon print out :P Who needs to buy a coupon for Rs.100 each :rofl: .
not everyone is lucky, in our area the delivery boy always asks for physical coupon. The reason for that might be that we really took Dominos for a ride last week and ended up ordering around 10 pizzas(5+5) in just 3 days.
Got this in today's newspaper (2 papers, 2 menus with 2 coupons).

I guess your "internal contacts in Dominos" got a bundle of something like those. :bleh:

Few days back i got a call from Domino guys that they have some special offer for me and would like to visit me to explain me about the same. When the guy visited, he was offering me a booklet for Rs.350 with 12coupons for BOGO. They were even valid on SimplyVeg/Non-veg. The coupons were valid till March '12. I didnt buy the coupon booklet, but noted down the coupon no. It was same on all 12. I even posted in the GT Dominos Coupoin thread. So it guess, interested poeple should call Dominos and ask for this booklet instead of spening on this 100Rs. coupon.

ADV02 . It is valid till March'12. Valid for all pizzas incl. simply veg and non-veg ones. Try editing the previous ones with this code in case you want to have a printed coupon.
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