Donate Comps

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Many of us are addicted to upgraditis[I hope i got it right] and would be having old comps lying around being used as download rig. If at all you guys wish to GIFT them to the under privledged for them to learn, how many would be game?

These children have no one to look after them, thank god, a few good souls around are there to care for them. One of my friend actually wanted a few comps, P1,P2,P3 all those processors considered to be WORTH only for the dustbin, you guys can donate. All those 2GB / 4GB harddisks, anything. A complete RIG would be tooooooo good :hap2:

PPl who are willing to donate, kindly PM me. First we'll get the details of guys who wish to donate, later we'll find how GIFTS can reach those in need :D

Thanks everyone!
Why dont you make those details public ? At least your contact details...that way someone does not have to go to the hassle of contacting you for donations. Also, if you let everyone know the charity or the cause i.e. where is this located, who supports them, etc. it will be of much help.

Dont get me wrong but the more these things are transparent the better it is for the cause. Someone may not have anything right away, but if the details are posted here, they may remember it for future
Sure thing :) will let u know the contact details as soon as the list is complete. The homes will be basically from chennai.

I just need the count, how many will be interested to give so that we can fix it up according to our plans and get the shipping done when possible. Hope u understand.

Thanks for the response!
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