kauzy said:
^^ saw that video on tbhp some days back.. nice share..
for those who feels that this is exaggerated BS, i have nothin to say.. duh :|
didn't you see some of the accidents were rather mistakes of the people not driving?
like the boy crossing road to take out his girl after school ?? he was crossing the street from in front of a parked vehicle (which would limit his view of the road) and he did not even look around while crossing... i say it would be like telling a railway driver to stop showing off driving skills.
what skill was the driver showing off??
the 'exaggerated BS' comment was about the title of the vid which it does not keep up to.. it is rather about basic traffic rules which even pedestrians are also supposed to follow.
the mom n child in 1st scene were standing in the middle of the road and not even walking..would have made sense if it was a road cross on a signal..i'm not saying the driver was innocent...it is just that the driver is the one to be blamed always no matter how stupid are the mistakes made by the one getting hit are..(unless it's a rail)
that case was just about driving '
without' basic skills/attention)
The driver in 2nd scene.. he starts a vehicle ..from halt..he hits a vehicle at halt at 12 o'clock straight..(say about 10m)...in 'parking lot' how stupid was that now??
and im not trying to promote speeding or reckless driving in any case..
what i see driving skills is = taking proper curvy turns, keeping car in your/proper lane and using alerting signals while taking over which was no where in the video..thus i feel it is a matter of exaggeration to the title.