Dopod service station in Mumbai


Anyone know where is the official service station of Dopod in Mumbai?
My phone got wet and is acting up. Ring is not working, neither is vibrator. Screen is also acting up. It lights up half the time and does not light up at all sometimes.
Its acting this way since this evening. It works fine in patches without the ringer. Gonna put it off and let it dry overnight but if it still keeps acting up tomorrow i need to get it fixed asap.

I can always go back to the dealer but if anyone knows where the service station is, i can get it sent there tomorrow morning itself to assess the damage.

aare i would do that usually. But i read on XDA forums not to hairddry this phone. and let it dry on its own. The drier is known to cause problem with this phone.

Switched to spare mobile. letting it dry for now.
yeah don't use anything and let is dry for 2-3 days :)

don't go to the service station because if they found out its got wet and that y acting up they can refuse the warranty :)

here are nos for HTC ....

Customer Service Hotline

Customer service enquiry : +91 1800 11 33 77

1.Service Date: Monday – Saturday (excluding public holiday)

2.Service hour: 9:00AM to 5:30PM

here is the dopod service center address for mumbai

Location: MUMBAI

Name: RT Outsourcing Services LTD.

Address: E-128/129,Kailas Veibhav Complex Part Site,Vikroli West, Mumbai - 400079

Tel: (+91-22-67037982,85,89)

Office Hour: Monday to Saturday : 9:30a.m. to 5:30 p.m. Sunday and Public Holiday - Closed

hope this helps :)
Update : the phone completely died after i posted that all of sudden.

Gave it for repairs to the dealer where i purchased it from as he said he will take care of it.

To my surprise, i receive a call today morning. Freakin shiny new piece awaits me.

Going to collect :D
haha!....lucky you....from all the reports ive got the dopod service happily surprised to see that theve gotten better!

and btw....if water has gotten into your amount of drying will fool the service center.....the shorted ICs and residues inside always give you away!....i have first hand experience in repairing nokias and youll be surprised at how many ppl swear that they have never droped the phone in any liquid...its almost funny
I know. Actually it didnt get all wet. It was in my pocket in its cover. But that day the rain came down hard with wind. Umbrella were useless and i was not carrying any bag with me. So it got little damp. It started working again but then suddenly decided to die :p

I was not gonna go into any argument over warranty. I was mentally prepared to pay for repairs. But from the looks of it, DOPOD either dont have any service station in Mumbai or have lazy engineers :p

Got brand new piece as replacement in 2 days.