DOTA 2 - Discussion Thread

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Warcraft 3 is not an MMORPG at all, instead it's a legitimate RTS (World of Warcraft on the other hand is the mother of all MMORPGs!). DotA as of now is a custom map, for warcraft 3, which is neither an RPG nor an RTS. People prefer to call it an Action RTS, or in the case of HON and LoL (Recent DotA spin-offs) people call the genre MOBA (Multiplayer online battle arena). It originaly started of as a custom map for starcraft and later was ported to the superior warcraft engine where it dramaticaly grew in popularity. Now with the warcraft engine becoming obsolete, Icefrog (the current Dota designer) got an offer from valve to build the game on a different and more powerful game engine (Dota2), which would provide all the functionality of the old warcraft platform while tremendously improving visuals, gameplay, matchmaking and connectivity of Dota. So in short, Icefrog and valve getting together is a very good thing for us dota fans, for obvious reasons! :)
I hope the graphics are awesome .... like really really high detail and needs a powerful machine to run at ultra settings. Cause this thing is going to be around for a while and they wont update graphics. Dont care if its 10 gb .... thats the norm anyways these days.
Well, if you check the replays of the recently concluded Dota2 tournament, you will see that the graphics are a not a huge improvement over the current graphics. I hope there are other more compelling features to pull gamers.

The biggest hurdle is Garena, which allows non legitimate versions of Warcraft 3 as well. Why pay for Dota2 when you can have the full featured Dota with online play for free...
I personally don't like garena ,many leavers even i high level rooms and filled with noobs that spoil games ,and there are many features of dota 2 that aren't there in dota which are important and most of the times necessarily to avoid situations like on garena.
jc36lect3r said:
Well, if you check the replays of the recently concluded Dota2 tournament, you will see that the graphics are a not a huge improvement over the current graphics. I hope there are other more compelling features to pull gamers.
The biggest hurdle is Garena, which allows non legitimate versions of Warcraft 3 as well. Why pay for Dota2 when you can have the full featured Dota with online play for free...

Improving graphics, and making the game more glossy and good looking comes at a price. Adding "cool" special effects for spells and hero animations actually has the potential to ruin the game as they can lead to a blind out effect during a team battle when we have multiple heroes using multiple abilities at the same time! (If we have multiple OTT spells or moves taking place simultaneously it can get difficult to follow the action accurately anymore). So IMO I think valve has done a commendable job of improving the visuals and keeping them subtle at the same time. (From what I have seen of the game till now)

On your second point I would say DotA2 will have improved visuals, more seamless UI, better matchmaking and bot support, newb friendly, community driven, way better connectivity (steam, et al), etc. If these ar not reasons enough to entice the existing player base then I don't know what is. :)
Amen to all of that. Lately the PC game publishers have been shooting themselves in the foot, made me a pessimist. No DX11 at launch, no in game server browsers, always on internet DRMs, it as if they want us not to buy their games. So I wait and watch.
Of all the PC games publishers, I can easily single out Ubisoft for most of your (and the PC gamers in general) grieviences :P I have no idea why they have the DRM or what marketing strategy they are using. It's damaging their reputation and their games! :(

I'm a huge Tom Clancy GR fan and looking at the current state of the franchise makes me sad :( (GRFS ........ Can only hope for the best!!) :)

Welcome to the new plan: We’re going to take the current version of Dota 2, which has The International set of heroes, and get it out there as fast as we can. We’ve still got some work to do in a couple of areas, so we’ll be keeping it invite-only for a (hopefully short) period of time. But there’ll be no restrictions on what players can do with it – they can release screenshots, make movies, shoutcast matches, write guides, publicly make fun of our HUD, or anything else their hearts desire. While they do that, we’ll be shipping regular updates with more heroes, new features we’ve been working on, and improvements on the existing content as we get more and more feedback.

It's going to be released soon, but no release date yet.

I Said Good Day Sir! | Dota 2
Guys i've got a spare dota2 invite.. i can trade it for counter-strike 1.6( its only 4.99$on steam but i dont have a credit card :s)!
Hayabusa said:
Guys i've got a spare dota2 invite.. i can trade it for counter-strike 1.6( its only 4.99$on steam but i dont have a credit card :s)!

OMG? A game for a free beta? You sir, can go and fcuk yourself.
For someone who's never played DOTA 1, the beta is just terrible (Talking about myself).

The mana bar is so low, just one spell and you have to wait for it to recharge? WTF?

i also need the beta key urgent i can pay by cash if any one got it
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