Doubt:XP SP2+Update+Windows XP SP3 orXP SP2+XP SP3

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First please forgive me for asking such a silly doubt.I am kinda getting over windows.

I have Win XP Pro 32Bit which was with SP2.i had used autopatcher & Win update to update the system.Now I had downloaded win Xp Sp3.

I had reinstalled WIn XP with SP2 all over again.Do i install SP3 or do i have to update first & then install SP3.

Awaiting your reply.You can gimme all ur thrashings too.:hap2:

install SP3 then do the windows update.

Install WinXP SP2 (integreated install with SP2) + install SP3 stand alone setup update file + do automatic updates(this will install IE7,Windows Media 11, and other components those not comes with sp3)
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