Downscaling audio - 5.1 to 2.1

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How would you downscale the 5 channel audio sound from a DVD to 2 channels ?

All the DVDRIPS downloaded from the net have 5.1 channel surround sound. If you try and watch that movie on a PC with a 2 channel headphone, the soundtrack (dialogues) which are supposed to be reproduced on the center channel are barely audible. Any solution to that ?
From the AC3 filter, convert to 4.1, it'll dynamically do the rest

Else from the Audio S/w that came with the mobo CD, select 4.1 instead of 5.1

Or select 2.1
No, it doesnt. I am talking about Media Player here. You would definitely notice that the audio track of the dialogues has a very low volume as compared to the ambient/bg/music track.
Use VLC Media player - it does a good job of handling the 5.1 to stereo. As for Media player, if you use AC3Filter with Media player, it will work without a hitch. Another option for you could be to use FFDShow, which will handle the 5.1 conversion. Try it out and see.
I've never noticed this problem using headphones. Try using CCCP and under FFDShow audio settings change it to 2/0 - stereo.
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