^^Dude getting a good rank in IIT is pretty hard.I got AIR 6419 and it was pretty much pointless because I was only interested in CS and IT and just like you i didn't want to move from south to the north.I didn't go for my IIT counselling so I'm not sure of exactly what rank you need.Now that the seats have increased,I'm guessing AIR <5000 will be good enough for getting some stream in the lower IITs or ITBHU.
You should also give AIEEE your best shot.You can get into IIIT or one of the good NITs or BITS Mesra.Although most of the better NITs are in the south.
In case you're wondering I got a state rank of 200 in AIEEE so I ended up getting IT in NIT.Other good/ok colleges in the south are PSG,Manipal and VIT.Unfortunately I'm from the south so I don't know about good colleges in the north besides BITS,IITs and DCE.
My advice is pick the stream you're most interested in and take the best seat you have for that field.You will have lots of choices and opportunities at PG level.
Best of Luck!
Edit:Also remember this ,getting into IIT and topping to change to a different branch is freaking hard.So join only if you're sure you're interested in the branch.