DS is for kids , PSP for teenagers / adults

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DS has a large fan base of it's own. Both are aimed and liked by different categories of gamers and both are successful.
havent tried the DS..but all i know is I LOVE ..I REALLY LOVE ....MY FRIENDS PSP..(sadly i dont own one ) but will get one soon.

da PSP is damn addictive..specially the God ..of Wars demo is too good..

any other games having breath takin graphics recommend ??
DS didnt eaxctly hit Indian shores. But calling DS is for kids is silly. Nitendo is not always into big cutting edge games, but rather fun and timepass games, hence nitendo wii.
The Sorcerer said:
DS didnt eaxctly hit Indian shores. But calling DS is for kids is silly. Nitendo is not always into big cutting edge games, but rather fun and timepass games, hence nitendo wii.

well said!
The Sorcerer said:
DS didnt eaxctly hit Indian shores. But calling DS is for kids is silly. Nitendo is not always into big cutting edge games, but rather fun and timepass games, hence nitendo wii.

Depends on what you call cutting edge. New interface systems or going from UT2 to UT3 or Halo 2 to Halo 3. You could get the gameplay of Assasin's Creed/Halo 3 on the Wii but you cannot get the gameplay of Wii Sports/Metroid Prime 3 on the other consoles.
The first statement sounds like something Ken Kutaragi would have said, only he would have added something about how he wanted people to suck each other's blood to be able to buy the PSP or something equally weird.

Look the existence of FPSes on a platform does not make it mature. I would in fact claim the exact opposite. Running around shooting at things - that was what my friends and I did with our toy guns when were 4 years old.

That being said, the DS is meant for quick fun. The PSP seems to just be the same old console stuff (spend 30 hours non stop) but shrunk on to a portable. Sometimes that is better, sometimes that is worse. Nintendo's obsession with mini-games sometimes makes me want to puke.

everyone who says the DS is for kids either havent tried it/played enough games on it or are noobs who just want something big, long and black

psp is just a small playstation, nothing great about it, no new innovations or fun factor

the ds is going to be around for a long time
I thought so nuke will praise the DS but i havent tried the DS so no comments there.

But PSP Slim which i own rocks for sure , pure fun.

Its one the best investments i have ever made and its very close to my heart.

My vote goes for PSP :)
Most games are made with the family in mind and can appeal to gamers of all ages. People unfortunately make the distinction on the grounds of graphical detail or presence of violence.

I have to agree with Kingkrool. The DS with it's shorter loadtimes seems ideal for quick gaming while you're on the run, while The PSP seems more like a carry away PS2 which adds it's own meaning to portable gaming as well.
Quad Master said:
I thought so nuke will praise the DS but i havent tried the DS so no comments there.

Yeah! Anyone besides the Sony fanboys do make for a rather unusual sight, don't they?

Also, I can see I'll be having a lot of fun with karanboochra in the near future.:)
The Sorcerer said:
@ whatsinaname: when I meant cutting edge...i meant as a portable gaming device.

What I said for the Wii/PS3 goes the for the DS and PSP.

You could have Burnout/Crush/Metal Gear on the DS [albiet they will not look that good] but you cannont have Elite Beat Agents/Trauma Centre on the PSP.

I believe the DS is more of an advancement over the last generation than the PSP. (Which I believe is the meaning of the phrase Cutting Edge.) But a DS with PSP graphics will be a plus. :hap2: If I had to choose one, I would pick the DS though.

BTW I own both and enjoy both. :D

@Ck_Nish - Hope to see you interactions with our double posting friend. I saw his posts in three different threads, all double posts. :ohyeah:
welll the topic is regarding psp and the ds- lets stick to that to prevent any confusion

In any case both are good on their own league. Comparing them is silly-keeping the sales aside. Nitendo's philosophy is way different (as in alternate-not primitive) then what sony has. If I compare both and bring them for reviews, I would give ds a thumbs up for fresh idea and innovation and maybe psp for taking "ps2 to a portable stage".

But I want to ask the chota baccha (whom I think fled away from the post...yeah i am provoking him to reply) who started this topic, what do you think, that DS is for kids and psp for adults??? Ever since I played Atari 5600 jr console till now, I never seen such a silliest comparison.:rofl:
Nintendo is associated with appealing to the kiddy audience more than Sony/M$, undeniable fact this is as can be seen by ESRB making new more stricter regulation when it comes to rating for Wii games. That's why R* don't release GTA on Ninty. They took a chance and released MH2 on Wii and got hit by critics leading to new rules in ESRB for the system. Ninty still has Resident Evil though (Deadly Silence on DS)
Wait. Do you have a source for this? I have heard of no such separate standards for Ninty consoles being employed by ESRB.
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