do you agree that the DS is immature ...?
and PSP for a hardcore gamer ??
give ur thoughts ...!!
thanks !!
and PSP for a hardcore gamer ??
give ur thoughts ...!!
thanks !!
faheem_m said:any other games having breath takin graphics recommend ??
The Sorcerer said:DS didnt eaxctly hit Indian shores. But calling DS is for kids is silly. Nitendo is not always into big cutting edge games, but rather fun and timepass games, hence nitendo wii.
The Sorcerer said:DS didnt eaxctly hit Indian shores. But calling DS is for kids is silly. Nitendo is not always into big cutting edge games, but rather fun and timepass games, hence nitendo wii.
Quad Master said:I thought so nuke will praise the DS but i havent tried the DS so no comments there.
The Sorcerer said:@ whatsinaname: when I meant cutting edge...i meant as a portable gaming device.