Camera DSLR Camera


Hi Guys,

Please suggest me the best option to use when going out for tours and holidays.
If any DSLR, then please suggest the specific one.
Also, Somebody suggested me of Bridge Cameras, I am not sure, what their features are.

Please suggest.
If you are not used to cameras then stick with a bridge camera. Generally DSLRs take a lot of time and effort to learn. Plus they are a money sink pit !!! :p
And if you won't even higher zoom and FHD video capability and faster autofocus(as fast as a DSLR) and other features ,you can consider the more expensive Sony HX100v.

I also believe that the new upcoming panasonic FZ47/48 may be quite good,since it has a lower MP sensor( same MP as FZ35) but more zoom.
okay a DSLR or digital single lens reflex are those Hi-fi cameras you see pro photographers roaming around with. they come with interchangeable lenses, you get zoom lenses n macro lenses etc. Then there is a point and shoot compact camera which is a small camera. like the ones that fit in your pocket. small with less zoom but perfect for family pictures n all. if you plan on taking lots of family fotos and birthday photos n environment photos, then a point and shoot (which is usually between 8-14k) is the best. then comes the BRIDGE cameras, or the gap filler between an SLR and these point and shoots. Basically what a bridge is, is a camera that has one lens (non interchangeable) and it does both zoom and macro. So you can focus on distant objects and take detailed photos of Butterflies and mosquitoes (A decent on will cost you betn 20K-30K).

DSLR, the thing is it's got zero lag, so its awesome for professional photography. But then it comes with it downside. You need to carry it around. You need to change lenses for different things, the same lens won't do closeups and zooms. You'll need many lenses for that. But then the photographs are amazing. But then you cant just walk in with any lens you want and go click click click. Also DSLRs are usually costly (Yes the camera body will come within 25K for an entry level one, but then you'll have to buy many lenses which will be like another 10-15K investment easily).
So think about what you'll do with it, see if you'll need a heavy camera or a small one will do. If it's your first camera, then get a small compact point and shoot. M not asking you to never buy a big camera. Get a small one, learn to use it, go berserk with it and learn to compose and play with it, and when you think this isnt good enough and i could get better snaps, then You can always upgrade later. Dont get a big camera right in the beginning and then think oh no, this was not needed at all!

In my opinion, if size is not a problem for you, then by all means, go for a DSLR. If you're on a budget, get the Canon 1000D or 1100D (costs about 22k and 28k resp.). The lens provided with the kit (18-55mm) is apt for any kind of shooting you might do. DSLR will help you develop a hobby and a perspective. Learning to operate DSLR is not rocket science. These cameras are made for professional and consumer markets both and also, the Internet is full of tutorials that will let you get into the nitty-gritties of the camera and I can assure you that it will be fun!
Okay guys.. thanx a lot for your valuable suggestions.:cool2:

After having so many different suggestions, I am a bit confused. Still I'm swinging between DSLRs and Bridge ones.

Well..Now one thing that I know is that, either I'm going for "Sony HX100v" else "Canon 1100D" it is.

One thing I would like to know is, should i care for the video recording quality for these cameras as well?

Also, If I am going ahead with "Canon 1100D", then how much extra damages are expected for the extra lenses?
Well I can't comment about video as I don't use mine cam for video. For lenses, it depends on your requirement. Generally people get these three lenses:

1. Canon 18-55mm - This is kit lens supplied with Camera body. Good for wide angle and general purpose shots.

2. Canon 50mm f/1.8 - This is really nice lens for portraits and night photography. Available in market for Rs 5.3k or so. Must have lens according to me.

3. Canon 55-250mm IS - Zoom lens mostly useful if you in to birding and all those stuff. Available for around Rs 11k or so.

And trust me...instead of buying Sony HX100v, get Canon 1100D...the image quality is superb and it's not as hard to use DSLR as people say. There is an auto mode which will let you use your DSLR as point and shoot :)
If its still photos is your main requirement then get a DSLR,provided you are going to invest into lenses and don't mind carrying them.If you don't want to attract unwanted attention of using a DSLR you can also consider cameras such as NEX or M4/3.

If video recording is important get a bridge camera the said HX100v is better suited for video since its silent(motors are tailor made for contrast detec AF) , has power zoom required for smooth steady zoom(you can off course do a similar job with manual zoom in DSLR,but depends on your skill it won't be steady),takes 1080p 60fps.Much lower rolling shutter effect in video.
check out

canon sx30 , in my is best option to get bridge camera first if u r new to photography, it do not hog u down with lenses.rather buy a tripod and when u get expert on inbuit options go for CHDK firmware for ur camera gives professional setting on basic canon...
and important hook on youtube or get lynda tutorials to understand photography is creativity...
harsh88007 said:
Guys, "Canon 1100D", "NEX" or "Canon SX30"?

If you don't want to spend on lenses then get a high zoom camera like the SX30,better still get the HX100v its the fastest high zoom camera out there.

If you want no compromise on IQ then go with a the other 2 choices.If you want portabilty and won't to blend in( not attract unwanted attention )you can go with the NEX or similar cameras,they are also better suited for videos then conventional DSLRs.
If you don't mind the size ,then get the DSLR.Its zoom lenses are also cheaper then the NEX or M4/3 lenses.
harsh88007 said:
ain't NEX-5 a DSLR?

Its produces images like a DSLR but its not Digital-SLR (single lens Reflex) you can say its a SLD(single lens direct) ,since there is no reflex and lacks a mirror.
Hi Guys.

There's no point in swapping about on the way up to whatever one needs in the first place. One should take some care to identify what sorts of pictures he needs to make now and for the next few years. If that is matched by a P&S, Bridge, or a dSLR, then he should buy whichever one fits.

If one knows that he will be doing some serious photography as the next several years unfold, then he should probably look at a dSLR. He should get the kit lens and learn how to use it before buying other glass. The kit lens tends to be reasonably good, and affordable. It will help teach one about angle of view and focal lengths. Add a fast 50mm lens. It's cheap, and it can be used for lots of things including portraiture, close-ups (with tubes), and it will open up new possibilities for shooting in very low light, such as indoors at night. It also gives great separation of subject and background (depth of field control).

Thinking of dSLR's, Canon is as good a choice as any. It may be the best price performer in India. Nikon is arguably as good too, but tends to run a little bit higher. Pentax is a great price performer, but sadly it is poorly supported in India. Canon supports many, many brands of glass because of its short flange to sensor distance. Pentax supports most glass that ever fit the popular M42/Practica/Pentax threadmount or the Pentax Bayonet. That's a lot of affordable glass. Nikon supports only F mount glass.

Good luck with your decision.
