DSLR for Macro Photography?

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Guys i have purchased a D3300 @ 29.3k from flipkart . First of all,I will learn the photography using that and then will upgrade to macro lens as well. There was hardly any difference in price slab of D3200 and i was not at all interested in a second hand body.

For Your D3300

Grab this ebook or hardbook its a great guide which will help you understand a lot about ur camera
Nikon D3300 For Dummies


Understand how Manual Mode works
What is ISO , Aperture, Shutter Speed [Most important thing]
Exposure and Flash Compensation
What is White Balance and how to use a white balance card
Various Auto Focus Modes
Various Metering Modes
Check out Lens Basics [Wide, Normal, TelePhoto : Prime, Macro and Zoom] [Special lens like FishEye]

#Best Tip
Find Back Button Focus or how to use that AE-L/AF-L button to focus
I came to know about this procedure very late , its the coolest thing you can do on you camera.
the AE-L / AF-L button can be set to do various things , check this video.

Macro Lens Suggestions for ur DSLR

NOTE : Quality lenes are going to hurt your pocket so make sure which lens to buy , keep experimenting with the 18-55 Kit lens till you understand the basics and what is your desired focal length then you can start looking at prime macro lenses.

Youtube is filled with videos to teach you photography.
https://www.youtube.com/results?search_query=jewellery photography tutorial

Hope this helps

Invest your time in ur camera , click loads of pics , make mistakes and ditch that Auto Mode you will be in for a surprise what ur camera can do for you.
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