Dual audio bluray

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Does bluray movies that come in multiple language audio like hindi ,english ,tamil lower audio/video quality than a film with just english audio??

eg:titanic 3d is available in english,tamil,hindi and also in just english
Yes bluray comes with dual audio but only happens with AA movies the last one was Safe House with bluray audio for both languages
dual audio bluray does not lower audio or video quality in any way. there's enough space on the disc for multiple languages. its a different matter altogether if the mastering was done in a studio by people not well versed in mastering bluray movies or who dont care for quality.
Almost 90% of these bluray has AC3 audio rest includes DTS Audio for Hindi audio
Blu ray has enough space to include dual audio.
However as 6pack mentioned, quality of recordings is what really matters. You can't do anything if the recordings are crappy itself.
Normally the primary language in which the film was shot will be in high resolution audio i.e. Dolby TrueHD, DTS MasterHD.

The other languages will be in lossy DD or DTS. This is the case with almost every single bluray disc I've played.
Pirates of carribean 2011 had Dolby True HD Channel audio but it hardly happens
Pirates of carribean 2011 had Dolby True HD Channel audio but it hardly happens

You need proper equipment (such as an AVR or blu-ray receivers with DTS HD-MA and Dolby Tru-HD decoding capability) to utilise those sound streams unlike AC3 or DTS that can be decoded by a vast majority of speaker systems.

IINM it is this high-def. sound stream that takes up most of the space in the blu-ray disc.
Yes.Hence those audio is useless unless you have the equipment

Most of bluray space is taken up by several audio streams since bluray atleast contains 2 audio stream and one of them is 7.1 channel
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