Monitors Dual Monitor Concept - Whats it actually

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Guys Can some one explaine me whats exactly Dual Monitor

Most of the GPU's have Dual Monitor Connection to connect 2 monitors

Can you let me know that when 2 monitors are connected to a GPU
does each monitor display different things.

For Eg. Nvida's NView

Also wanted to know abt Dual DVI - where is the DVI connection used.
Basically you have two desktops on which you can work... Also DVI connectors are used for LCD panels so if a card has one DVI port then only one LCD can be attached but if a card has two the two can be use with the same card... By the way there exists are DVI to VGA converters which are easily available...
My 300th Post.

Firstly Thanks Switch

2 Desktops Wow

Does that mean i can boot 2 OS from the same hdd
Does that mean i can boot Same OS from the same hdd

How do we select which monitor will show what etc..

Can you explain it to me
Well i just tried it once with my old matrox card... And no you cant boot two oses togather... It is something like the Linux desktops... And if you move your mouse outside your original desktop if goes to the second desktop... And lastly you can drag windows from one moniter to another and the best part is you can watch movie on the first and work on the other...
Well watch movie and one and work on others is exactly what i wanted.

That means i can run 2 different things on 2 desktops on the same OS is it.

So Game on one Monitor and work on the other. ;)
yes ofcourse but i beleive the game will have a problem cause the mouse can get out of the *game window*... Hope you got it...
Dual monitors are mainly used for audio/video editing or 3d animation softwares, which have tons of toolbars and are too cluttered to fit on single monitor.
nope wont happen. Only 2 displays can be driven at a time on today's mainstream ATI and NVIDIA cards. Only 2 RAMDACs so only 2 displays at a time.
2 monitors or a monitor and a tv.
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