Storage Solutions DVD burned in 41 mins eh?

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heyy allll

i just got a nobbie question i have a BenQ1650 dvd writer 1month old :ohyeah:
today i burned a data dvd total capacity around 4.1 GB i used sony dvd-r 8x
and burned at 8x
it took me 41 mins to burn the data is it ok :(

here is teh screenshot :
something is shouldnt take so long !! :O :O

Do a Nero DVD quality scan on the bunrt DVD.... using NERO CD/DVD speed from NERO TOOLKIT.
the disc seems to be fine itself :S :S

Try some other discs....if it happens again, post back..... otherwise consider this as a one-off incident....
check if the drive is running in PIO mode or DMA
the best performance is at UDMA 4
I've known cases where they were stuck at PIO mode. go to device manager, IDE controllers, and look around to see if its ON UDMA

alternately, if your burner is on the same channel as your HDD ,that could aslo dramatically slow down things
I think the firmware update should solve the problem... my friend had a similar problem where we tried burning at 8x, but it was burning at 2x... The time taken was something close to 45min... after the firmware it was all fine!!
hey can some1 post sum screenshots how to change my benq to UDMA 4 mode
im totally new to this stuff ! nd plz give me link latest firmware (to BenQ 1650)
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