Storage Solutions DvD RW : On Laptop or Desktop?

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Well, I'm going for the Asus S96j, and I have 2 choices now.

1) I go for a single layer DVD RW on the laptop for 1,800 IRS extra (DL isn't an option, not available :( )


2) I go for the LG H10N or BenQ 1655 for my desktop, and maybe get an external USB casing later on.

I know the choice is kinda obvious, but you know, a lappie without a DVD RW sounds weird. I'm kind of a perfectionist, so I just need people to tell me the wise choie is to go for option 2.

So yeh, spam 2 will ya ^^
budgetary constraints aside, Ideally, both options ;)

But looking at it objectively,

How many times would you burn DVDs on that lappie anyway...Option 2 without questions..

Add to it the fact that lappy optical drives are infinitely more fragile, and last a lot less than desktop optical drives so the less you use the optical drive on a lappy, the better it is for you!
Aye! Been readin' around, turns out heavy useage of opticald rives (Writing/burning CD's +DvD's) strains the batteries too, thus "killing" it sooner so to speak.

Ordering the s96j tonite.

Payment goes through tommorrow.

Laptop arrives around Tuesday-Thrusday next week. Can't wait!
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