PC Peripherals dvd+rw on phillips dvp642

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has any1 tried burning divx on a dvd+rw & played on the dvp642.

it says no disc. i tried on samsung dvd+rw & lg dvd+rw.
it says in the manual that it accepts dvd+rw.
is it some prob with the booktype?
if any1 knows let me know.
Well as i personally dont have the player so cant comment on it.

But there are many ppl her ewho do have the same player may be you can get
in touch wit hthem thru PM.

cowax , medpal

They had mentioned in the research & review written by me on the DVP642K that
they too have this player.

Many ppl on the Doom9 Forums whom i had talked with told me that they have
successfully played divx movies of DVD+-R/RW.

How do you prepare the CD/DVD for the Philips DVP642
- Around 6 to 8 XVID/DIVX movies 1 DVD+R 4.7G disc.
- Burned as data (joliet) Mode 1 just like mp3's.
- AC3 are supported and if you use a DIVX certified template for encoding, the movie will always play.
- Some Xvids need to be tested first and in general, use gspot or Virtualdub and make sure that
audio is compressed and that number of audio frames are relatively equal to number of video frames.
- Keep the BitRate at 900bps and lower for Xvid.
- The AVI or MP4 File should not be more than 2GB

Also go through my review for more info as it has loads of info for DVP642K owners
Some tips & tricks which might help you.

Research & Review - Divx DVD Karoke Player Philips DVP642K

Also try first on ReWritable DVD.
tyr and search if ur player has a firmware upgrade available..
i've known ppl with similar problems(not with ur drire though)..it was solvd by a simple firmware upgrade...

came across this link :

also just search for ur player on videohelp.com
go thru the forums...
came across a thread on firmware upgrade...now i dont know if it wud help ur cause but posting it neverhteless:
site for the firmware:
the dvp642 perfetly plays all sorts od dvd+rw's ... i myself fequently use memorex, moser bayer and sony,...all work flawlessly

p.s i have the american dvp642 and not the indian version dvp642k
All firmwares are programmed to play DVD+R Format right from 0531

So i dont think its firmware related.

But there are certain disadvantages of the Firmware update.

Please i still advice you to read my review you might find ur answers.

If you have Firmware 0531 ur the luckiest guy and ppl downgrade from anyhigher
version of firmware to lower version.

If you still feel that firmware upgrade will solve ur problem then go ahead and flash.
remember to burn the firmware cd at 1x speed , as the firmware is very small it
will not take much time.

I and Techhead were having a discusion on ASUS E616 which did
not have support for DVD+R/RW Format but he told me that it does support
DVD+ R/RW Format , Earlier i had asked him if Firmware Update wud solve
the DVD+R/RW Detection

TechHead said:
1) To region free it, follow what funky posted earlier in the thread

2) Reading of a disc is not a function of the firmware (in this case anyway), but a function of the drive laser itself. I'm 100% sure this drive reads +R/RW discs.

Link:- http://www.techenclave.com/forums/showpost.php?p=34062&postcount=20

TechHead bro i am sorry as i took ur post without ur permission.
Quad Master said:
TechHead bro i am sorry as i took ur post without ur permission.

Are you nuts? You don't need my permission to help someone ;)

Anyways, to the OP: Get another disc. The Sony 4X +RWs made in Japan are excellent, as are the Moser Baer 4X discs. Which burner are you using?
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