Graphic Cards DX 10.1 out , not compatible with DX 10

Aces170 said:
Lol they were never happy with M$, but they did build some awesome engines using OpenGL, and they should continue using with the new 2.1 standard..

yes .. actually they always ported their games in OpenGL and
OpenGL 3.0 is OUT !!! (just a week back) which is quite powerful .... :clap:
Chaos said:
In layman's terms its nothing to worry about. 8800 cards are not outdated or something :bleh:

I second that....i dont know what all the fuss is about!....rememeber ppl msoft are NOT mad....the would not end up infuriating the majority of the hard core gamers all over the world just to resolve a basic spec!
skada said:
yes .. actually they always ported their games in OpenGL and

OpenGL 3.0 is OUT !!! (just a week back) which is quite powerful .... :clap:

Check ur facts bro. OpenGL 3.0 is expected to be out in September, 2007.
skada said:
remember: YOU CAN NEVER HAVE FUTURE PROOF COMPONENT .. technology moves tooooo fast... so get the things which are BEST NOW .. and forget about the future... even better get the things which were best yesterday (7800GTX) , remain behind technology a step and enjoy gr8 value for money :)

Well said...:D

Going for vfm components saves lots of cash and then we can upgrade in bout 1.5-2 yrs and then again get vfm stuff and stay kinda with new technology..:D
lostinthought said:
Going for vfm components saves lots of cash and then we can upgrade in bout 1.5-2 yrs and then again get vfm stuff and stay kinda with new technology..:D

OR, an even better option is to know a lot of people who travel frequently to the US so that you can get high end cards at india VFM prices :p

back on topic, Making harware obsolete because of and incremental version uograde of the API has got to rank as on of the stupidest ideas ever... :) good to know M$ had a little more sense that....
its really useful for apps that what to do procedural geometry generation which means geometry detail will be a lot higher than in existing apps

Is this is a similar concept to the way procedural texturing works ? because that would be pretty damn cool.
Microsoft has announced the details of its new DirectX version; to ensure full support one need not only to install Service Pack 1 for Windows Vista but may also need to replace a graphics card. Contemporary graphics accelerators from Nvidia GeForce 8800 and AMD/ATI Radeon 2900 may not support all the new features added to Direct3D 10.1. The features of DirectX 10.1 include incremental improvements to 3D rendering quality. As for the innovations, among them are 32-bit floating-point operations (instead of 16-bit ones, used today by default) and obligatory support of 4x FSAA.

Microsoft's Sam Glassenberg did however note that "DirectX 10.1 fully supports DirectX 10 hardware. No hardware support is being removed. It's strictly a superset. It's basically an update to DirectX 10 that extends the hardware functionality slightly." Glassenberg says DirectX 10.1 will be fully compatible with all graphics cards supporting DirectX 10. All the company wants to do now is to increase the API life cycle. Sam confirmed that existing graphics cards may still not be able to use all the new features of DirectX 10.1 but also stressed that applications designed specifically for DirectX 10.1 are very unlikely to appear, because overall, the updates aren’t that critical.

So, although DirectX 10.1 will support current DirectX 10 graphics hardware, today's DirectX 10 hardware will not be able to support all of the features of DirectX 10.1, which includes incremental improvements to 3D rendering quality.

However, the gamers who have already acquired contemporary DirectX 10 graphics accelerators shouldn’t be too upset. Upon developers’ request, version 10.1 sets whatever was available in the previous releases as a standard. As for the innovations, among them are 32-bit floating-point operations (instead of 16-bit ones, used today by default) and obligatory support of 4x FSAA.