Graphic Cards DX 10.1 out , not compatible with DX 10

Chaos said:
The other thing which made a lot of noise at Siggraph was the programmable tesselator. I'm not sure if this is DX10.1 or DX11 but its one cool thing to have. Its really useful for apps that what to do procedural geometry generation which means geometry detail will be a lot higher than in existing apps.

Programmable Tesselator is already implemented in a primitive form in R600. Think I read somewhere that this feature would become part of the D3D specs with DX11.

Nikhil said:
Hands up to all who didnt understand this !!

@Chaos --- Could you please speak English for the rest of us normal folks :p ??

Whats so complicated about it that you didnt understand. :p

The first part about floating point precision is plain enough. As for the second part, Heres some info on Tesselation

Tessellation - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Tesselation is one of the basic building blocks of 3D Game Grahics.
Well..DirectX10.1 prob has some teenyweeny additions that wont shw up with DirectX10...We can still probably play the 10.1 games in DirectX10 mode without any perceiviable change in quality...So its no big deal...Nothing to worry..except that the present cards do not gv good fps with DirectX10 at present...
There was dx 9,9a,9b,9c and 9ex (if u count it.) anyway,how often we were stuck without having another revision..

This is like 9 to 9c..SM4 -> SM4.1

and dx 10.1 comes with sp1..
Nikhil said:
Hands up to all who didnt understand this !!

@Chaos --- Could you please speak English for the rest of us normal folks :p ??

In layman's terms its nothing to worry about. 8800 cards are not outdated or something :bleh:
Lol .. new MS would be giving us bs anyway .. more like dx9.0b to dx9.0c :p ... now we're getting dx9.0c games :p .. so dx10.1 will have to wait for another year or so i think :p
by the time dev's develop a game using dx 10.1 its gonna take a year that time dx10 cards(8800,2900) will be outdated anyway so whats the big deal??
Just heard from the horse's mouth... DX 10.1 is fully compatible with DX10. So 10.1 will work on all 10 hardware. What is required... 4xAA and FP32 filtering... both supported by 8800/8600 etc etc. Rest everything is optional.
Hey, everybody! First post in a while and guess what-it's about how stupid microsoft is!

So they decided to make a newer version of their newest and it isn't backwards compatible!

hmm.. quite mess i can see on this thread...
1)One thing Dx10.1 WILL require new hardware... g80 will not work...
2)BUT all DX10.1 apps will fallback on DX10 if DX10.1 hardware is not found...
3)New G92 and R700 will support 10.1 (whenever it comes out)
4)DX10.1 is not released YET ... (tech preview in AUGUST SDK but no API).. It will come in Jan-Feb '08 with SP1.. DX10.1 apps will come AFTER that ;)....
5)No games yet support DX10.1 :) ..
6)NO game maker will cut their throat by making any game DX10 exclusive let alone DX10.1 they WILL support DX9.0c for at least a year or two
7)NEWS:Id software(doom and quake ppl) not happy with DX10 they will use DX9c in their new game 'RAGE' (mid 08)..
8)... even true DX9 games came years after dx9 release which utilised its complete API ... same will happen with DX10 or above..
My suggestion : go with 8 series (its gr8 ),, i am going to buy one soon :)
remember: YOU CAN NEVER HAVE FUTURE PROOF COMPONENT .. technology moves tooooo fast... so get the things which are BEST NOW .. and forget about the future... even better get the things which were best yesterday (7800GTX) , remain behind technology a step and enjoy gr8 value for money :)
7)NEWS:Id software(doom and quake ppl) not happy with DX10 they will use DX9c in their new game 'RAGE' (mid 08)..

Lol they were never happy with M$, but they did build some awesome engines using OpenGL, and they should continue using with the new 2.1 standard..