E3 Coverage | Consoles Only

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Xbox 360 briefing to be held earlier for last-minute add

Microsoft Corp. on Sun. alerted news media that its Xbox 360 E3 Media Briefing would begin early due to a last-minute addition.

The Xbox 360 Media Briefing will now be held at 10:25 a.m. PST rather than 10:30 a.m.

Microsoft has kept a tight lid on rumors regarding new product that may be announced this week.

Rumored items include the Xbox 360 Fluid camera as a new gesture-controlled peripheral to a new entry in the Halo franchise.

Currently 3 speculations are running for this SPECIAL ANNOUNCEMENT -
1) Handheld Console - E3 2009: Could the Portable Gaming Market Be Microsoft's Next Big Move?
2) New Halo Title - http://thataussiegamesite.com.au/blogs/283-prediction-new-halo-title-reveal
3) Epic Games New IP / GeOW 3 - Twitter / Epic Games: All set for the big announ ...
DeadRising 2 : E3 09 Trailer

Though we're not going to be seeing Dead Rising 2 at E3 this week due to Swine Flu concerns, Capcom has apparently released a brand new trailer just before the show to keep the game fresh in our rotted, bloodthirsty minds.

To be Frank, the newest trailer paints a sincerely more serious picture of Dead Rising 2, replete with zombies eating dudes' necks and a whole mess of slow zombie shambling. Unfortunately, as the game is sitting out this week's events, you're just going to have to make due with the newest video, just after the break.

YT - Dead Rising 2: E3 09 Trailer
Nier | Pre-E3 09 Trailer

Square Enix has seemingly jumped the gun on at least some of its E3 news, with the trailer for Nier (after the break) finding its way online, not to mention the game getting an official website. Hey, there's even gameplay!

The art style looks like a pretty dramatic departure from the Japanese company's usual androgynix, not to mention the vast swathes of blood. Maybe that has something to do with Square's recent fascination with the Western market? That remains to be seen.

YT - NIER | E3 2009 1st trailer
Shadow Complex, an Xbox Live exclusive platformer side-scrolling actioner "in the spirit of Metroid."

Thats their Special Announcement :o

b/w FFxiii releasing in spring 2010 and simultaneously on PS3 & 360
MOtion Plus :awesome:

named "Project Natal"

Mattrick: "When it launches, it will work with every Xbox 360 sold, and every Xbox 360 we will sell in the future, including future Xbox models."
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