E3 Coverage | Consoles Only

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Wat the Hell Speilberg doing in 360 conference :o

Steven Spielberg hops on stage to talk about Project Natal.
This is way better than Wii :)

but again people wud be tired moving their body parts, like they got bored using Wii :P

I guess only M$ will make games for it, as only companies exclusive to M$ will make the games...those who will go for multiplat wont even bother :P

b/w the presenter himself looks tired demoing abt Project Natal :rofl:
Very Good Presentation.....M$

Cant Wait for SOny Presentation Tomorrow :devil:

Will have to Download E3 in Home ;)
If you happened to be at the E3 convention or were just watching it live on the net, you would have certainly be shocked by what Microsoft delivered today. In total, they officially announced 15 new smashing titles for the 360, some of which were very highly anticipated over the last few months (and even years for some).

Let’s start off with the normal stuff then get into the extra neat games/gadgets.

Some casual titles which were announced include 1 vs. 100, Tony Hawk: RIDE, The Beatles: Rock Band and Joy Ride. Images and Video from The Beatles: Rock Band was shown. Obviously nothing too special there, since it’s a specialist game for fans of The Beatles. However, what surprised us was the appearance of Yoko Ono, Ringo Star and Paul McCartney. Nothing new really was shown with regards to the other games.

Then came Modern Warfare 2. We have been teased quite a lot lately, plus given some details about Modern Warfare 2. They have announced that the game will be getting 2 timed-exclusive maps, which were revealed in the trailers. Also Left 4 Dead 2 was announced for the PC and Xbox 360. Fans of L4D should be very happy because we all know what fun we had with the first Left 4 Dead. Hopefully the 2nd installment brings us more joy. The game is now “exclusive†to the 360 (not counting PC), so that’s another plus for MS.

Now we get to the good stuff. Square Enix has dated Final Fantasy XIII for Spring of 2010. Also they showed a great trailer which can be viewed here. On top of that, Square Enix mentioned the Final Fantasy series has sold over 85 million copies world wide, making it one of the most popular franchises ever.

Here is the good stuff now. Forza Motorsport 3 was unveiled, and we were all definitely shocked. Looking at the video and images, we were all mind blown by the visuals alone. Also, the video was very promising, and with 400 cars/100 real tracks to choose from, this might actually be the game that can creep up on Gran Turismo 5.

The next shocker was Halo 3 ODST. Halo has always been the centre piece of controversy as to whether it sucked or was awesome. if you take a look at these videos, I think the fans who hated the game may have to rethink what they said. Halo 3 ODST is carded for release on 22nd September 2009. What was also noticeable was the fact that the Halo 1 pistol is back when you take on the role of “the rookieâ€. Also shown was Halo: Reach, which is set for a 2010 release and is thought to be the prequel to Halo 3 ODST (not confirmed though).

Then came the Alan Wake trailers. The words “Oh My Gosh, This Is Awesome†come to mind when I saw the video. The game reminded me somewhat of a Max Payne feel, but with a much darker storyline behind it. But heck, what can you expect from Remedy Games. So far, it is shaping up to be a very spectacular title and we all really look forward to this one. A lot of features are shared from the Max Payne series, such as realistic environmental interactivity, the slo-mo mode where you can shoot and have it look like the Matrix (heh really sexy). Alan Wake is expected to hit stores in Spring 2010.

Now for the big gun. Remember all the teasing and teasing and teasing that Kojima did? We thought it was another PS3 exclusive Metal Gear Solid (aka MGS 5), we thought Snake was going to be the lead actor, we thought it might actually be a whole name game for the matter. Well it is finally clear. Kojima has announced Metal Gear Solid: Rising for the Xbox 360 and PS3. Now this is where the sparks fly because PS3 fans thought the Xbox 360 couldn’t handle a new MGS title. Well, they are wrong. Also, Raiden takes the lead role in the game and not Snake as initially expected.

Ok, now it’s time for the techier things. Facebook and Twitter fans should be pretty happy because those programs will now be available on Xbox Live. The Facebook app isn’t too fleshed out as it would be on the PC but you can view photos, friends, updates, and add people from the application. Also, twitter will be added, so that’s pretty much a plus since everyone is on Twitter these days, even me! Check out some of the interface shots here.

Also coming is the music media application, Last.fm. There are no details though. Also Sky News and Sky Sports shall be coming to the Live TV system even though there were no details on this either.

Now for the juicy bit. MS has announced Project Natal, which is supposed to be what the Wii does, but 10 times better. The technology uses a series of motion sensitive cams to keep track of your body, so when you move, you can control games. Instead of holding a stick, you control the system with your body. It is said to be more accurate since it takes in the X, Y and Z axis lines of movement. The good news is that it will be compatible with ALL Xbox 360s and will be included in all future Xbox 360 systems. Now that’s hott.

They spoke a lot about the technology and gave us a demo on 3 games, Paint Party, Project Milo (which looks very awesome by the way) and 3D Breakout.

Microsoft seems to be entering a totally new territory by targeting the casual gaming market with the Natal technology, plus what I can assume are a bunch of casual games, which were not a usual sight on the 360. It can go both ways, either being a total success or a total flop. In my opinion, I am excited about it and I think the Wii may be getting a bit of competition (but they would still hold on for a while to come).

Overall, many thought the 360 was going to the grave and at its peak, but this really isn’t the case as we saw today. Microsoft brought us a ton of new games and some very cool Live features (and the Motion controller of course) so we are basically impressed. Now to look forward to the Nintento and Sony keynotes tomorrow.

Source: lvl2 Gamer - Microsoft Surprises Everyone At E3
Impressions on Project Natal, Unease in the Air

To go out with a bang, at today's Xbox 360 Media Briefing, Microsoft saved what they likely think is their biggest surprise for last: Project Natal.

Where PlayStation 3 has Sixaxis and Wii has MotionPlus, Microsoft revealed their entrant into the motion controller competition, no controller at all. Currently code named Natal, it looks to be a cross between a Wii sensor bar and a PlayStation EyeToy and plugs into the Xbox 360, and tracks the 3D motion of the player, or players, in front of its sensors. Furthermore the device features voice recognition, with the ability to distinguish between different players' voices to issue commands.

Lead of the project, Kudo Tsunoda, kicked off demoing Natal, showing off how it works with Xbox 360 menus. He simply stood in front of the Natal sensor, lightly flicking his hand left and right, up and down, to move through the menus. Using a forward gesture he could initial commands as well, like game launching.

The first game demoed with Natal was Ricochet. The game mainly involved a lot of arm and leg flailing to get bouncing balls coming towards the screen to a silhouette of the players body projected as an avatar on screen, reflecting player movements in real-time. As Tsunoda put it, Ricochet,

"Isn't a game where you end up on the sofa just using some kind of pre-set waggle commands."

The following demo was an interesting painting game, involving throwing digital buckets of paint onto a large canvas by miming the actions in front of the Natal sensor. Microsoft was happy to announce that dev-kits for Natal arrive at developers today.

Finishing off the demonstration of Natal was President of Lionhead Studios, Peter Molyneux. Molyneux demonstrated what him and his studio call "Milo". Milo is a digitally recreated kid in an interactive artificial intelligence experiment. In the demonstration Milo is hanging out beside a pond and interacts with the player in front of the Natal sensor, both with body language and speech. It's hard to tell how dialogue works with Milo, as it seems the topics of conversation with Milo demonstrated in the video went well, but without a doubt Milo is not prepared for actual conversation bridging into any topic as the amount of voice work needed for that, not to mention the computation, is unthinkable.

We were was at the Xbox 360 Media Briefing, with each editor holding their own opinion about Project Natal.

Shawn: "I’m indifferent on the Project Natal reveal. The technology is interesting (although Peter Molyneux’s game is somewhat creepy), but developers will have to utilize it in a way that isn’t Wii-like gimmicky minigame collections. Games like Paint Party and Ricochet at this early stage showed the games can be more than cheap gimmicks, but it can’t be just Microsoft releasing games for Project Natal."

Alex: "Project Natal is definitely something we should keep an eye on. While it looks pretty impressive, (Not needing any sort of controller!) assuming everything works exactly as intended is pretty naive. Whether it will sell well or not is another question, as Nintendo has an iron grip on the casual side of things, and with Sony getting a stronger hold on the hardcore side it looks to be an uphill battle, especially with the lackluster sales of the Playstation Eye as precedent…although Natal has quite a few more features. Then of course there’s Milo, I’m not sure how I feel about that. It’s kinda creepy how he reads your emotions through your voice. But like Molyneux said, it sure opens up a lot of possibilites!"

Jamie: "Natal seems a little too gimmicky for now. The stuff that's being shown is interesting and all, but until we see more I'm very skeptical of it. Milo has a potential to be something new and absolutely incredible, but unless I'm face to face with it to see how he responds it seems like it may not work as well as it appears to. The other games are kind of cool as a means of competition with Nintendo for casual gamers, but for me it's something I'll pass on for now."

Darryl: "To be honest, I can't really see it being a huge success. It's a peripheral that people are actually going to have to go and buy and unless the games are really killer, it's hard to see people doing that. Its capabilities are astounding though and it could make for a new level of creativity amongst casual games, but I don't see any hardcore games successfully using it anytime soon - the whole point of games is that people can escape to a world away from reality and this looks like it will make games more like reality; not a good move in my opinion."

Kyle: "I think the technology is pretty sweet, but I don't get the feeling that this peripheral will deliver the sort of breakthrough Microsoft hyped Natal up to be during its unveiling. It sounds like a slightly better mixture of an EyeToy and a Wii-mote, but the weird wiggling and inaccurate recreation of player input demonstrated today worries me."

Source: Impressions on Project Natal, Unease in the Air - News - Gaming Union

I too felt the same thing :)
Its gimmicky, and similar to Wii's Fad until this is used in hardcore games (which is very unlikely).
Personally i won't like to get up n move myself to play a game (lazy :ashamed: ) which will tire me out after a day's work or college for some peeps :P
Rumour: Sony To Unveil 3 New IP's

This just in from a Sony representative after yesterday's showcase of events by Microsoft, Sony is rumored to be prepping up quite a line up for their presentation. The rep claims that at least three new Ip's shall be present for the PlayStation platform and these would include an exclusive game from R* studios, Kojima's Project S and something big from Square centering around the Kingdom Hearts Universe. This is barring of course all the luscious bunch of first party games that are going to bring the show floor to a halt, which will make this year's edition of E3 the best and most prized for the company. All these bits of speculation will be confirmed at Sony's E3 conference which goes live today.
Nintendo :


Mario Galaxy 2

Metroid : The other M [looks awesome!!!]


Resident Evil : Dark Side Chronicles

Dead Space Prequel

Wii Sports Resort : Wii motion plus

Wii Fit Plus

DS/DSi :

Mario RPG


Warioware DIY
Sony :

Product : PSP Go : USD 250, 16 GB, UMD-less, slider

1:1 motion control that looks like a ladies' pleasure toy. Demos some neat stuff, some which has already been packeaged as games by wii motion plus


Gran Turismo PSP

Assassin's Creed: Bloodlines


Uncharted 2

MAG [256 player MM]

Metal Gear Solid: Peace Walker


Assassin's Creed 2

Final Fantasy XIII

Final Fantasy XIV

ModNation racers [DIY simcity like racing track making and playing game]

The Last Guardian

God of War III
Agent is PS3 exclusive by R*.

FF XIII PS3 looked way better than M$ version yesterday.

GT PSP will have 800 cars & 35 varied tracks.

AC Bloodlines will add more content to PS3 version.

MAG was looking visually outdated :(

Uncharted 2 Multiplayer beta will be Available tonight on PSN (IST chk in afternoon)

The Last Guardian is Project Trico.

GT5 trailer/teaser was shown. release date not confirmed yet.
God of war III Demo available for folks @ E3 .

Release date confirmed : March 2010 .

* Assassin’s Creed 2 | YouTube - Assassin's Creed II PlayStation 3 Walkthrough - E3 2009 Gameplay Demo | Gameplay
* Final Fantasy XIII | YouTube - E3 PS3 Final Fantasy XIII Gameplay | Gameplay

PlayStation 3 Exclusives:

* Uncharted 2: Among Thieves | YouTube - E3 - 2009: Uncharted 2: Among Thieves
* Ratchet & Clank :A Crack in Time | YouTube - Ratchet & Clank : A Crack in Time Extended Gameplay E3 09
* MAG | YouTube - MAG PlayStation 3 Press Conference - E3 09 Gameplay Demo
* Agent | YouTube - Agent E3 09
* Final Fantasy XIV Online | YouTube - Final Fantasy XIV Trailer | FINAL FANTASY XIV
* Motion Controller | YouTube - Sony Motion Controller E3 Tech Demo
* ModNation Racers | YouTube - ModNation Racers E3 Gameplay and Tech Demo
* The Last Guardian | YouTube - The Last Guardian E3 2009 Trailer
* Gran Turismo 5 | YouTube - GT5 E3 Trailer | Crash Damage WTF !!!
* God of War III | YouTube - God of War 3 E3 09 First GAMEPLAY in HD | :clap:

* Gran Turismo | YouTube - Gran Turismo PSP - E3 09 Debut Trailer HD | YouTube - Gran Turismo Mobile PSP gameplay E3 2009 | Gameplay Video Added
* Metal Gear Solid: Peace Walker | YouTube - E3 09: Metal Gear Solid: Peace Walker PSP Trailer | :hap2:
* Resident Evil: Portable | YouTube - Resident Evil for PSP Revealed
* Assassin’s Creed: Bloodlines


* Final Fantasy VII
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