e5200 overclocking

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hi guys,
i got e5200 , with gma es2c board and 2 gigs of kingston ram.
my system works ok at 2.5 ghz , prime 95 stress ran ok for like 8 - 10 hours.

i would like to see if i can make it to 3.5 ghz at stock cooling.
but i have no overcloaking experience whatsoever,
and i dont want to burn my chip straight away.

so any inputs would be nice ,,,,,, from experienced members .

Dont jump to 3.5ghz directly. Up the volts to 1.3v and check temps with prime 95. core temps(you could use coretemp check temps) on this processor are better kept below 60. Up FSB slowly and choose a memory divider to keep the memory speed around 800.

Run prime 95 for a few minutes and check temps every time(Temps generally are more influenced by volts than clock speed). You should be able to get around 3.4-3.6 at 1.3V.

If you see bsods or errors in prime95 up the volt a bit and keep a tab on temps. They should not go beyond 60.
E5200 comes with tiny useless Intel stock cooler, first get third party cooler like Coolermaster Hyper 212 +Arctic Cooling MX-2. Keep eye on rising cpu temperature with Intel stock cooler, even at 3.0Ghz.
bunny3412 said:
do not worry bro its good processor with 45nm tech..just raise its fsb it reaches 3.5ghz on stock cooler

dvijaydev46 said:
^^ Dude remember you are asking the OP to risk his CPU.

Try not to go for readymade settings posted by others and find the limits of your CPU yourself as every chip is different. The stock cooler is fine as long as you don't touch voltage, after that, you need to invest in better cooling.
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