5 machines right!
1-PC-I got this new cpu from my frnd i just have to test it on my rig..
crysis-Thats a new pc..u lost ur 1st installlation..
2-PC-my gfx isint upto date i need anew one to playy this game..
crysis -thats another pc now lost ur 2nd activation
3-PC-this game is still not working properly,maybe i need more memory
crysis- u lost another one buddy
4-PC-my mobo is kaput..

crysis-one more left dude..u better finish me now..
5-there is this new great bios update for my mobo i must get this one.It increses the performance of my pc so much..
Crysis-Thats it dude I told u to complete me before..on a side note u can use the disc and box as a paper weight
This is how its gonna be either now or 2 or 3 months later.U dont need 5 pcs for this.. So this is nothing but bull***t.
and I cant even use it as a paperweight since I bought it on steam