Shripad said:If an opportunity comes by, then its fine, go move. But dont give up on your life here thinking you need to find something better somewhere else, or you will end up being unhappy and sorry here and if you go out somewhere for the sake of moving, you will be unhappy and sorry there. Its your choice in the end, but be realistic.
salluks said:the root cause is, i just cant turn a blind eye to whatever happens and i feel depressed cos i cant do anything about it.
salluks said:^^ actually its not, i make more than enough to live comfortably here..
the root cause is, i just cant turn a blind eye to whatever happens and i feel depressed cos i cant do anything about it.
And your point is? :huh:salluks said:^^ actually thats not quite true, my bro there works for RBS and makes 14000 dirhams( which is around 1,60,000 PM here )
yep, hes just a!
Shripad said:Dude seriously. You have fairyland ideas of rest of the world. Its not the case. I have seen my share of countries, have friends and close relatives, brother living in other developed countries, and trust me, things can be really frustrating there.
If an opportunity comes by, then its fine, go move. But dont give up on your life here thinking you need to find something better somewhere else, or you will end up being unhappy and sorry here and if you go out somewhere for the sake of moving, you will be unhappy and sorry there. Its your choice in the end, but be realistic.
Darthcoder said:I usually dont agree with funky but he is spot on here, I couldnt have put it better myself. Like he says, If an opportunity for going abroad arises then you should certainly take it, but thinking of fleeing the country just cos you are frustrated with it will do you no good. Once you get out of India, you start realising what you are missing. You might make shitloads of money but you live the life of a servant, doing all your stuff, laundry, washing and all that BS. The word "Shopping" for me now usually means grocery shopping.
I can empathise with you, I felt the same way about India and wanted to run away as fast as I could from there. But once you are out of India, you realise what a PITA it is just to survive. Even if you earn loads of money you cant find the comforts that you find back home.
So, IF you have the opportunity to move abroad and make money go ahead and help yourself but if you dont have the opportunity, no need to get all negative and cry about it. Your time will come, no need to be desperate.
gforce said:^^ Washing and wringing your own clothes is good for an arm workout.![]()
raksrules said:Grass is always greener on the other side
salluks said:with all do respect, u come across as a very immature guy![]()
broadway said:Though i find your idea of shifting to another country as ridiculous as that relative of mine.
anyway, am sick and tired of our dear country and wanna move out..
dude, generations have passed and nothing has changed,
my mom had to make her birth certificate, so we had gone to the school she studied in..
she said that other than the people there nothing has changed even after 35 yrs..
if i cant do anything about it like 99% of us,
i might as well do something good for myself.
but believe it or not its depressing living here!
yesterday i saw our area MLA come in a new Mercedes ml550, when the drain down the road has been leaking for 8 god damn years!(and he got 3 crores just to clean drain in our area)
quite frankly ive run out of hope/patience/tolerance..and theres nothing anyone can do about it rather than talk about it on a public forum!
whats the point of living here if theres no basic courtesy towards another human?
and worse of all, cos of my conservative attitude, i dont get much action either...a prisoner of my own forsaken mind
am talking about the "depressed and not able to do anything feeling"...
Shrey said:This thread's turned out to be pretty good
Darthcoder is right. I ask my sister who's studying abroad now how it is to live abroad and she says the facilities, standard of living etc are great but life is just plain hard. It takes a lot to be all by yourself, away from home in a foreign land,living a mechanical life day in and day out. Its great economically but then life's about the OTHER things as well. Imagine spending Eid alone, or not being able to see the firecrackers on Diwali. Simply put, there'll be no one to buy you a tablet, let alone take care of you when you fall sick or something. But then if the economic perks matter more to you, then all of that is worth it![]()
coolraghav said:I think south africa would be good option after watching 2012.