eBay India Hot Deals and Coupons

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agantuk said:
^ Dude, the pic says 4 GB. So you got 4GB? Not fair. I got only 2 :(
ayyyyeee bro no worries... I also got 2GB ones... m just showing a random pic off the web to show all the specific HP model ebay sent
Desecrator said:
I haven't received my 2GB pen drive as yet. :|
pepps3484 said:
^^i have not received my watch either!!
raksrules said:
Me too haven't got the pen drive yet :(

Bluedart delivered the Micromax phone today!! :) :) Funny thing is that my account had got banned too for some reason but still got the gift. I was worried whether they'll send it as account was banned! :P
varkey said:
Bluedart delivered the Micromax phone today!! :) :) Funny thing is that my account had got banned too for some reason but still got the gift. I was worried whether they'll send it as account was banned! :P
Why was it banned Vivek? I received a call from the eBay CC few days back asking for my personal details. Just curious.
i also want to know why was ur acount banned and @ descreator : ebay usually calls for personal details if u r regd as a seller there mostly

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and coupons usually come out on wednesdays or thursdays , so wait :P
Desecrator said:
Why was it banned Vivek? I received a call from the eBay CC few days back asking for my personal details. Just curious.
MohitPreet said:
i also want to know why was ur acount banned
I simply wanted to sell an item on eBay, listed the item, after 15 minutes listing got cancelled, account banned. Contacted them and they said, this account was found to be related to 1-2 other account with similar personal details which was banned a year back. ( The reason for banning the old accounts was Abusing eBay ;) ) lol If I wanted to get the account activated, they asked me to contact from the registered email of the old accounts and then they'll tell how to proceed.

OMG. Too many complications all because I listed an item for sale! :P
Desecrator said:
OT but where do we change the date of birth on the ebay portal?
You can't, so make sure you enter the correct details, I had a good ebay account with about 100 feedbacks 100% positive. Then one fine day, account suspended, contacted them and asked me to send Id proof, address proof etc. But the account was created long back and at that time had entered a different DOB I guess. They said details dont match so cant do anything. All other details incl address, name etc were an exact match but due the DOB issue lost that account! :(

MohitPreet - I think you can change the phone number, I have done it few times.
i havent seen a single coupon in the last 3 weeks.... forget 15%/20% coupons even rs 100/200/250 off coupons would do great.. but not even that i cud find.. :(
Anybody interested in buying a high speed camera? I want one for my sports related work. Cheapest I could find was Casio Exilim EX-FS10. I contacted ICC world and got a quote of 8400 Rs with the listing given below. I am pretty sure if more people are interested price can be brought down to less than 8k and hopefully with coupons coming out this week we can get it further down to around 7k.

eBay India: New Blue Casio Exilim EX-FS10 3x 9.1MP Digital Camer (item 280527514523 end time 06-Jul-2010 10:00:51 IST)
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