yeah 1.5k bhi chalega !! Do you have one bro ?^ Its 150 off on 1k and 200 off on 1.5k
Ohh manwhere are be leading to, what is going to be the next deal from sankalpdeals_in probably next time they will start selling raw vegetables for Rs 5/Kg.
I need 250 off on 1500. Can I use it from my acount? Need to buy Internal LAptop HDD 500GB SATA
Thats just to increase the feedback % of the seller. tons of new seller does things like this. Ex lux soaps lol
Thats just to increase the feedback % of the seller. tons of new seller does things like this. Ex lux soaps lol
Badly need that FLAT 5% or 10% coupon for buying the 60D
guys i am unable to find any branded micro usb charger (of bb or samsung) for my phone, many of the ones listed are of sellers warranty but I want to buy one with manufacturer's warranty