thnaks for the info . I have created an ebay account yesterday . So they send coupon to anyone or to only those who buy and sell regularly
Generally the less used the account more is the discount.
thnaks for the info . I have created an ebay account yesterday . So they send coupon to anyone or to only those who buy and sell regularly
thnaks for the info . I have created an ebay account yesterday . So they send coupon to anyone or to only those who buy and sell regularly
dont expect any good coupon anythime soon,i guess u need to purchase order to receive coupons !
Normally, a new account (without purchase) usually receives some flat 100 or 150 off, in a couple of weeks time.dont expect any good coupon anythime soon,i guess u need to purchase order to receive coupons !
Hello Guys,
Any good deals on cams. Need to buy one as a gift. Budget is up to 5k strict.
A query..tried registering a new account and entered a valid mobile number. Ebay sent a confirmation code through SMS to the registered mobile and asked to enter that to confirm the account. With this new verification step in place, how are you guys managing to register mulyiple accounts?
This verification process is done only for selected new accounts and not for all. So if they ask for SMS verification on one account, you can simply skip it and create another account!![]()
mojo homeshop18 is having one deal for camera. check if its good. Superdeals - Deals that last only minutes