Ebay payment processed to wrong account that doesn't exist

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so, here's the unfortunate story:

i sold an item on ebay, shipped and was confirmed by the buyer, payment was processed and i got an email this monday from ebay. it had a file attached and to my surprise, the account number was wrong. i rechecked my ebay registration details and i had put up 89 instead of 29 in my account number :(

well, my father works in the same bank and i asked him to check for that incorrect acc number so that i can talk to the account holder. then i got to know that the account number which i have given on ebay doesn't exist and is invalid so neft transaction should not have been processed or must be cancelled and refunded till now which haven't.

and after constantly waiting and talking with ebay and punjab national bank cc, it has come to this:

pnb says that the account is invalid so there is no question of neft and funds won't be with pnb.

ebay first asked me to wait for some time but now saying that as the neft transaction was confirmed and they haven't received the funds back, so their work has been done because they have transfered the amount to the given acc number.. bs :@

if anyone knows what to do in this matter will really help me..

PS: i have mailed them (to incswebhelp@ebay.com) the copy of letterhead stating that the account with that number does not exist which i aquired from the bank..
they have given a reference number which they said is enough to get information about that transaction from Deutsche bank which they have used, when i asked about the account number, they refused..

have been calling deutsche cc, but i just kept waiting for someone to pick up the call, will try again tomorrow..

acc to my father, the money must be in Deutsche bank's account and many times, transactions fail and the money remain there until asked about by the customer..
The money would probably be in a Deutsche Bank suspense account. I don't think you would be able to solve this over the phone with a CC unless you have an account with Deutsche Bank as well. Might have to visit their main/head branch with all the relevant papers. The most they could do is issue you a letter stating the said NEFT transaction has been returned which you can then show to ebay and ask them to redo the transfer.

Word of advice dude, double check all the details you enter for an online transaction. Most of the banks do not take the responsibility of recovering the money if it is routed to an unintended a/c due to an entry mistake by the customer. You're lucky the a/c was non-existent. Had it been operational, it would have been a whole different story.
Its most probably in Deutsche bank's beni account. You will have to visit a Deutsche bank near your home and give a printout of an application letter to Deutsche bank stating the miss typed ac no and show them the emails from ebay too as proof along with the transaction number ebay gave. Plus carry along a photo id for verification if required. Get a photocopy of the photo id and application. If Deutsche bank cc executive helps you take an acknowledgement on the photocopy of the application for your proof.

Don't know whether this method will work but hope it helps.
@agupta and @6pack, i called the deutsche bank today and they told me that the money may be in the suspense account but they said they'd only be giving the information about the transaction to the account holder.. now, i understand that fully and i just want ebay to do this, ask deutsche bank if the money is resting in their suspense account, but they are being adamant here and not co-operating.. they have been constantly saying that they have not received the transaction as a failure so their work is done.. i'm so frustrated with the crap they are giving..

on the other hand, as one of the cc guy told me, i mailed them a written confirmation from the bank that the account doesn't exist with the bank..

i might be getting their response by tomorrow on this.. after that, i'd ask them to talk with deutsche bank and if they don't, will certainly try to go to the consumer court or will try to scare them..

yes, i know that if the account would have existed, the story should have been in different world.. either i should have got the money or i didn't, though my father works in the same bank..
I don't think a failed NEFT transfer would stay with the destination or source bank for long. The funds would be promptly returned to the account where it originated from. I had experienced this myself. When the Name and account number didn't match, the amount was refunded into my account automatically within 3 days. the transfer wouldn't be made blindly even if the account number were valid. The name has to match as well. I think the eBay guy's are either trying to take advantage of your situation or just being indifferent to your plight. Make sure to let them know that you don't intend to be at their mercy.
^^ that's what i was thinking, it should not take that much time whenever this kinda things happen but as my dad have told me that sometimes it happen that the money get to the suspense account and noone bothers about it until the party asks for that.. so i'm assuming that is the case here..

but, in any case, if i don't get positive response, i'll try to scare them off using the words consumer court, news (atleast there is a show on cnbc awaaz which features these issues)..

on the other hand, the cc guys are clueless about it, as they don't even have the slightest authority over this, only the accounts guy from ebay can solve this..

@6pack, seems like thet guy was there only till 14th, but i'm thinking of posting this issues on the ebay discussion forum, thanks for the link though..

PS: searching for their fb and twitter, posting this there now..
guys, finally got the payment today.. they informed about the neft failure last monday and i received the money today to the CORRECT account..

thanks for looking.. :p
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