EBook reader suggestion

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TheBellJar said:
PRS 650 does not have a Wi-Fi, has issues with glare and is generally overpriced (like everything else Sony).

PRS 600 had glare issues. The new PRS 650 has NO glare issues. It uses Infrared beams for touchscreen and is very sensitive. It is not overpriced as it has many neat features that other devices dont. pdf reflow, pdf zooming (custom, analog, and not 150%, 200% etc., but real dial zoom), EPUB format, extendable memory, TOUCHSCREEN, good looking, library books, tough built etc. etc. I almost bought the damned device but it was not available and then I had to settle for a Kindle which sucks when it comes to PDFs. Everything else is great. And yeah agreed, it does not have Wi-fi, but it does handle pdfs better than Kindle. It can reflow pdf which the kindle cant. As can Nook too. As can any other device on the market except Kindle. So, I dont know the OP's main intention of getting a reader. If its reading science journals and tech stuff (read PDF, i.e.) then please go for Kindle DX or Sony PRs 650 or PRs 950 (when it releases). If its novels or books that are available in any other format originally, then yeah, Kindle wifi will be the GREAT device.

And, again, PRS 650 does NOT have any glare. Please check the facts again. It does not have an additional glass layer on top of the reading layer like PRS 600 had.
had a look at a friends kindle 3 wifi, not impressed with the build quality :(
I don't need wifi and the pricing for the sony seems fair considering the extra features it has.
My main purpose is reading books and novel (fiction only)
atiamd said:
And, again, PRS 650 does NOT have any glare. Please check the facts again. It does not have an additional glass layer on top of the reading layer like PRS 600 had.
Most of the places that I referred to said that the glare issue was better not non-existent. Maybe I'm reading too much into that?
TheBellJar said:
Most of the places that I referred to said that the glare issue was better not non-existent. Maybe I'm reading too much into that?
Links please....

Sony PRS-650 Review - Sony Touch Edition

This review says:
The good news about the PRS-650 is that problem has been solved completely, and the touch is more accurate and easy to use than any of the previous touch readers. Not to mention the new Sony Readers all use the latest higher contrast Pearl screens to make the text appear darker and more defined.

Anyroad, I think the OP is settled on what he has to buy. I am still writing just for other people who might be reading this and I dont want them to have a wrong perception about this wonderful device.
In my opinion, that is not glare. That is just light getting reflected which happens with my Kindle too. But, then again, its upto the end user and their perception. For me, personally, I would not consider that as glare. Because if that is glare, then my Kindle 3 has a lot of it too...
apollyon said:
had a look at a friends kindle 3 wifi, not impressed with the build quality :(

I don't need wifi and the pricing for the sony seems fair considering the extra features it has.

My main purpose is reading books and novel (fiction only)
Not impressed with the build quality ??? what exactly were you expecting

If anyone from Pune wants to check out the Kindle 3 before buying, send me a PM :)
atiamd said:
In my opinion, that is not glare. That is just light getting reflected which happens with my Kindle too. But, then again, its upto the end user and their perception. For me, personally, I would not consider that as glare. Because if that is glare, then my Kindle 3 has a lot of it too...
define:glare - Google Search
I am very happy with my Kindle.. not sure about how you plan to use your ebook reader, but the sole reason I bought the Kindle was to read books and news.

Reading on a 6 inch device is very comfortable, I would say in some ways it is better than the 9 inch version - the small form factor and light weight is important when you intend to read for long hours while sitting on the couch or lying on the bed.

I was amazed at the e-ink technology that Kindle uses. I have compared Nook, Sony ebook readers and Kindle side by side, and I have to say that print on the Kindle looks much better and the screen refresh rate is also better. The first time I looked at the screen, it looked like a paper was attached on it - yes, it looks that natural especially in sunlight. These screens are easy on your eyes, so even after hours of reading your eyes are not strained.

About storage capacity and expandable memory, again, you have to ask yourself whether you plan to use the reader for anything other than reading books. E-books and periodicals are hardly an MB or at the most couple of MBs in size. (Not sure about PDFs with lots of pictures in it. I am talking about normal books) and with 4GB at your disposal, I guess you can have a lot of books on it. Secondly, you can always delete the book you have finished reading and then download the one archived for you on your amazon account.

If you have PDFs, you can convert it to the Mobi version and read it on the Kindle, unless the PDF is formatted in a special way (like 2 columned white papers - haven't tried converting one of those.). I converted one of my PDF ebooks and can easily read it on the Kindle.

Bottom line, make your decision based upon how you plan to use your device. Just like me there is going to be someone else who is going to say some other reader is better, but that is ok because that suits his/her usage. Spend some time trying out these devices if possible and see which reader suits you.
^^Both the K3 and the sony 650 use the same e-ink technology, how can there be a difference in quality? :S
Anyways I've already purchased the 650, got it from the borders store with the free cover with light. So essentially paid almost the same cost as a K3 + cover.
reading through the mobileread forums it appears very few people recommend a K3 over a 650.
Deciding factors for me were touchscreen over clunky buttons on the reader and a sturdier alu shell.
simoncherian said:
not cracked, technically not frozen.
the screen looks like a zebra now.
try reset (remove batt etc. Theres also a procedure to reload old firmware, check B&N site) and then charge for 1 day with wall charger, NOT usb cable. May fix it.

I am plannin to buy a ebook reader in a couple of days. My only requirement is that i need to install an exe in the ebook reader.

the exe is a book and once i install it i will be able to read the book.

Is there any ebook reader in which i can install a exe file ???

Please help..


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